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Multiple Actions Per Trigger

Started by PancakeAbuse, September 26, 2004, 03:00 AM

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I was wondering if you could have multiple actions per trigger.  Ex:

having "&4&&&&/w PancakeAbuse %1: %3" but also allow latter actions that deal with whispers be dealt with as well.  Is there a way to do this?

It seems that if a trigger meets anyone of the trigger specifications in the script file, it does that action and then stops, can you make it keep going?

Edit: As well as numbers than use more than 1 digit using % for variables is not working.  %11 uses %1 instead of %11, %21 uses %2 instead of %21 etc.


Quote from: PancakeAbuse on September 26, 2004, 03:00 AM
I was wondering if you could have multiple actions per trigger.  Ex:

having "&4&&&&/w PancakeAbuse %1: %3" but also allow latter actions that deal with whispers be dealt with as well.  Is there a way to do this?

It seems that if a trigger meets anyone of the trigger specifications in the script file, it does that action and then stops, can you make it keep going?

QuoteIf you put a + at the start of the action field, then the bot will continue to look for more events to respond to.

I don't recall offhand if EternalChat supports that or not.  You can give it a try.


I can't seem to figure that out, could you show an example of what the code would look like?

Now for my edit question =P.