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Googlism.com Insane fun :)

Started by LordVader, September 02, 2004, 10:55 PM

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Googlism was posted here a long time ago, but it's still funny.

Where else can you find helpful hints like, "grok is simply korg spelled backwards"
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


yah i'd not seen it before found link to here:

Anyone interested go thru his darktips their pretty good lots of usefull stuff.

Keven Rose for those unfamiliar is a cohost on the g4techtv channels show:
The ScreenSaver's a great -anything tech/net- show


Yes, but the network has gone uber-gay because of the G4 merger... Now they have two-hour-long tv shows devoted to VIDEO GAME CHEAT CODES!!!11one

And kevin is not a real hacker, he's an adrian llamo wannabe.


The archives went to crap to used to be you could find all kind of tech related articles on there. Now I can't find crap. G4 sucks.
To lazy for slackware.