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Started by nearground, March 31, 2003, 03:39 AM

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Can somebody tell me what data goes into the MCP_Startup packet?  I know from the document here that it authenticates the realm connection, but I don't know what should go in there in order to authenticate.  Can anybody tell me or point me to a document where this is further discussed?



That's precisely where I looked.  It only says this:

Packet ID: 0x01
Direction: Client -> Server (Sent)
Format: (DWORD[16])    MCP Startup Data
(STRING)       Battle.net Unique Name
Remarks: This packet authenticates the client with the MCP and allows character querying and logon to proceed.
Related Links: [S>0x01] MCP_STARTUP

But the question still remains.  What is the MCP Startup Data?  What value should I put in there?  I have sniffed this packet before and it's different every time.  Can I put almost anything into the Battle.net Unique Name?


You're missing something. You obtain this information from the BNCS server, then you send it to the MCP server. I'm not gonna tell you which packet it is, though. Go figure it out, it shouldn't be too hard with a decent packet logger.
Quote from: iago on February 02, 2005, 03:07 PM
Yes, you can't have everybody...contributing to the main source repository.  That would be stupid and create chaos.

Opensource projects...would be dumb.


I'm aware of the problem but it's out of my control for the moment. I'm working on it.