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Most effective "Sleep" function

Started by phvckmeh, August 17, 2004, 03:18 AM

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Public Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32.dll" () As Long

Public Sub Sleep(Millaseconds As Long)

   Dim EndTime As Long
   EndTime = GetTickCount + Millaseconds
   Do Until GetTickCount >= EndTime

End Sub

I wrote this myself and im wondering if this is the "safest" and more effective way to make my bot sleep, for example if i did something like

Send "/join the void"
Send "/join " & strLastChannel



Quote from: phvckmeh on August 17, 2004, 03:18 AM

Public Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32.dll" () As Long

Public Sub Sleep(Millaseconds As Long)

   Dim EndTime As Long
   EndTime = GetTickCount + Millaseconds
   Do Until GetTickCount >= EndTime

End Sub

I wrote this myself and im wondering if this is the "safest" and more effective way to make my bot sleep, for example if i did something like

Send "/join the void"
Send "/join " & strLastChannel

Thats very poor im sorry to say that will eat processor cycles, i suggest using a timer for doing that.

That way the system will generate a timer event after 2 seconds and wont waste valuable processor cycles in a pointless loop.

Also the most efficient sleep function is the raw win32 api:-

VOID Sleep(
 DWORD dwMilliseconds   // sleep time in milliseconds

Or the more advanced:-

DWORD SleepEx(
 DWORD dwMilliseconds,  // time-out interval in milliseconds
 BOOL bAlertable        // early completion flag

The calling thread will enter an efficient wait state using those.

The first api function can be applied to vb quite easily using the standard declare statement which gives you access to the win32 api.

An additional note also those functions will block your main thread in vb for the specified time you pass into the function which is why i again recommend using a timer for doing this:-

Send "/join the void"
Send "/join " & strLastChannel


If you want to efficiently sleep, but also track when window messages come in, consider using one of the MsgWaitForMultipleObjects family.  It'll awaken when the time elapses, a message is delivered, or when one of the watched handles becomes signalled.
[19:20:23] (BotNet) <[vL]Kp> Any idiot can make a bot with CSB, and many do!