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Hurray For Cavities!

Started by j0k3r, July 22, 2004, 03:31 PM

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I went to the dentist's yesterday, painful cleaning, 2 cavities found so I had to return today to have them filled. I was nervous going in cause I haven't had any cavities before, but the procedure was wayyyy less painful than the teeth cleaning (although I'm sure the freezing didn't help). Not only that, but I can't even tell where the cavity used to be, he filled it or coloured it with the same colour as my teeth. I was surprised when he said it was over, I remember people complaining so much about cavities and having to go to the dentist and figured it would be painful (atleast more painful than having your teeth cleaned).

Maybe I'll just stop brushing my teeth altogether, that way he'll just have to fill teeth in instead of cleaning them.
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


I had to get 3 at one time, without numbness, it sucked. ;)


I had one in a place that it's very rare to get them. It sucked when he got it out since he had a time getting the drill up there. :(


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clan exile
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