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CDKey connection.

Started by Luxer, June 29, 2004, 05:51 PM

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OK, how am I supposed to use SHA-1 in RealBASIC? Does anyone have an object?


SHA-1 specially ported to Mac endian:


Note that BNCSHashData() is the SHA-1 algorithm you're looking for.

Give me a while and I'll be able to dig up a REALbasic port as well...

Edit 2: Correction, that link does NOT have my CDKeyDecode() in C ... oh well

Edit: Blah... my HashData() in REALbasic doesn't work correctly... and I'm too lazy to correctly port it.

If you can compile that code into a library, you can link the library into REALbasic.

Alternately, if you know how to create a REALbasic plugin, you could do that. But note that you'll need to have some middle-man function(s) to convert the data to and from REALbasic's crazy objects and types to the normal types. If you're interested, I can give you my plugin's middle-men functions...
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