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0x18 Help

Started by GoSuGaMING, July 09, 2004, 04:07 PM

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Private Sub cmdUpgradeEXP_Click()

Dim strCharacter As String

   strCharacter = Left(LVCharacters.SelectedItem.text, Int(InStr(LVCharacters.SelectedItem.text, " ") - 1))

With PBuffer
   .InsertNTString strCharacter
   .SendPacket &H18
End With

End Sub

it definently ipbans me ;/ any idea?


Assuming that by 0x18 you mean MCP_CHARUPGRADE and that SendPacket() sends a packet to BNCS, why the hell are you sending an MCP packet to BNCS?


Quote from: LoRd[nK] on July 09, 2004, 04:11 PM
Assuming that by 0x18 you mean MCP_CHARUPGRADE and that SendPacket() sends a packet to BNCS, why the hell are you sending an MCP packet to BNCS?

Why do I not get a responce back?


I just packet logged the CHARUPGRADE

1  19  Send  
0000  13 00 18 64 66 64 6C 6B 6A 68 66 65 77 70 69 68    ...dfdlkjhfewpih
0010  6A 65 00                                           je.

2  7  Recv  
0000  07 00 18 00 00 00 00                               .......

And it looks like it sends the MCP Packet 0x13. Which contains only a null terminated string, which is the characters name. Sorry about the sloppyness of the character's name but I just did it quickly.

[STRING] Character's Name

Edit: Looks like the response to is MCP is [0x7] being MCP_CHARLOGON, they seem to just have sent a DWORD &H0. Being that...it probably means, character upgrade success!!


Quote from: ChR0NiC on July 09, 2004, 05:54 PM
I just packet logged the CHARUPGRADE

1  19  Send  
0000  13 00 18 64 66 64 6C 6B 6A 68 66 65 77 70 69 68    ...dfdlkjhfewpih
0010  6A 65 00                                           je.

2  7  Recv  
0000  07 00 18 00 00 00 00                               .......

And it looks like it sends the MCP Packet 0x13. Which contains only a null terminated string, which is the characters name. Sorry about the sloppyness of the character's name but I just did it quickly.

[STRING] Character's Name

Edit: Looks like the response to is MCP is [0x7] being MCP_CHARLOGON, they seem to just have sent a DWORD &H0. Being that...it probably means, character upgrade success!!

The MCP packet header is as follows:

(WORD) Length
(BYTE) Message Id

Therefore, the message id of that packet and the response is 0x18, not 0x13.


LOL I can't believe I got so mixed up like that......

MCP Headers
MCP stands for Master Control Program. Battle.net's MCP servers are what control Diablo II's realms. MCP packet headers are also always the same, albeit slightly different from BNCS's:
(WORD)    Packet length, including this header
(BYTE)      Packet ID
(VOID)      Packet Data

I am embarrassed....

But yes, the packet would be MCP_CHARUPGRADE [0x18]

Sorry for any confusion I may have caused.

I request the post be stricken from the record and to be therefore unexsistent.

:-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[

I can't believe I made that mistake