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Be my mentor?

Started by Dilligaf, June 30, 2004, 10:42 AM

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I am obviously new and newb by the forums standards (gotta start somewhere). I have done my research and ended up here because Spht is appearently the guru. May I have the name of a good clientless chatbot for d2 so I may A) chat at work without installing d2 and having my boss see a gaming window and B) further my understanding of how they work. If you can suggest a good starter bot that has decent documentation and maybe a tutorial on the set-up I would appreciate it, especially if it is one of yours (preferrably one that doesn't req a cd key).

I have already d/l SphtBotv3 and caught the newb error "Component 'RICHTX32.OCX' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid"

Don't worry I don't want help with it yet, I think I am gonna learn about active x controls real quick and find some forums on  your bot. This is the first bnet chat bot I ever tried so lets check out my learning curve on your bot (no programming knowledge ever retains inside this head lol).

If I cannot find the answers myself I will then bother you oh great expert  ;)

I will be awaiting your suggestions as to what bot I should start with sir. Thanks for your time.

P.S. - I got nuthin but time all day at work and am encouraged to learn VB and C++ (and any other language) by my employers no matter how I do it. Let's see how fast I can go from idiot to member.


Shizzle this is mad easy, sry I bothered you, if I had known I was gonna need cd keys today I woulda brought some. Gotta love remote desktop  ;), I now have cd keys.


An advice, don't double post. ;)


My apologies, it was more a report of the progress I am making than a double post (I guess I coulda just edited previous post).

I have made it a lil further but am slightly stumped here.

[11:29:40] SphtBotv3 - Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Spht - version 1.00 build 262.
[11:29:40] A Valhalla Legends production (www.valhallalegends.com).
[11:29:40] Loading plugins...
[11:29:40] UDP communication subsystem online.
[11:29:40] Connecting to Battle.net server useast.battle.net...
[11:29:41] Connecting to Battle.net logon server bnls.valhallalegends.com...
[11:29:41] Connected to Battle.net!
[11:29:41] Logon protocol set to X-SHA1 v1.00.
[11:29:41] Checking versions and CD-key...
[11:29:41] New IX86ver0.mpq available, downloading...
[11:29:41] Successfully downloaded IX86ver0.mpq from Battle.net!
[11:29:42] Error 10061 connecting to Battle.net logon server!

I understand that error 10061 is a server down error but surely I can safely assume (assumption is the mother of all fukups) that bnls.valhallalegends.com isn't down. And my forum searches all lead me nowhere. Don't want an exact solution, just a lil push in the right direction. Am I missing a setting or a helpful thread or am I just missing my brain? Thanx


Eww @ sucking up :P

Have you tried reading the intructions?  I know EternalChat had a section about missing that .ocx file.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote from: Dilligaf on June 30, 2004, 11:56 AMI understand that error 10061 is a server down error but surely I can safely assume (assumption is the mother of all fukups) that bnls.valhallalegends.com isn't down.

It was, according to what people were saying.  Is it still?  I'm not having any problems.


Quote from: iago on June 30, 2004, 04:27 PM
Have you tried reading the intructions?  I know EternalChat had a section about missing that .ocx file.

He fixed that issue from the looks of it.  But for anyone else: There's a section on the SphtBotv3 web site dedicated to requirements and missing files.


Quote from: iago on June 30, 2004, 04:27 PM
Eww @ sucking up :P

Have you tried reading the intructions?  I know EternalChat had a section about missing that .ocx file.

iago feel free not to respond to any more of my posts, if I wanted to be flamed I would have gone to blizzhackers, and if I was stupid enough to not read instructions, again Blizzhackers would be the place for me  ;). And there is a difference between sucking up and giving the dude credit which he clearly deserves. Who wouldn't want to learn from the best????

Okay I have made it this far and am slightly stumped, I know my noob questions can be aggravating sometimes but I will only be a noob until I get it figured out and can start playing with it, So once again I ask for help. I no longer have either error (10061 or 10053) but bnet immediately logs me off. The bnls server isn't down and I am NOT IP banned (or I wouldn't be able to actually play D2). Here is where I am at now.

This is how far I am getting:

[08:22:47] UDP communication subsystem online.
[08:22:47] Connecting to Battle.net server useast.battle.net...
[08:22:47] Connecting to Battle.net logon server bnls.valhallalegends.com...
[08:22:47] Connected to Battle.net!
[08:22:47] Connected to Battle.net logon server!
[08:22:47] Disconnected from Battle.net logon server!
[08:22:47] Logon protocol set to X-SHA1 v1.00.
[08:22:47] Checking versions and CD-key...
[08:22:48] Connecting to Battle.net logon server bnls.valhallalegends.com...
[08:22:48] Connected to Battle.net logon server!
[08:22:48] Disconnected from Battle.net logon server!
[08:22:48] Connecting to Battle.net logon server bnls.valhallalegends.com...
[08:22:48] Connected to Battle.net logon server!
[08:22:48] Disconnected from Battle.net logon server!

Very frustrating as its about as far as I get with Stealthbot as well. I believe I am missing a step, but I just haven't been able to figure out what it is. Any help would be appreciated. Can you tell me why it immediately logs me right back out of bnet?

I have no plug-ins yet, and I am using SphtBotV3.

In the connection set-up I have:

Username   -   Smotpoker
Password - *****
E-mail - *blank*
Server - useast.battle.net
Product - Diablo II LoD
CD-Key - classic key
XP CD-Key - LoD key
CD-key user - SphtBotv3
BNLS Server - bnls.valhallalegends.com
Timestamp - *left untouched*

Connect to Battle.net and Randomize Battle.net Server (USEast only) are both checked, the rest are unchecked

Home channel - Diablo II LoD USA-USEast-1

Enter/Leave Notifications is also checked.

I currently use my cd key to log on and play D2 daily so it is good. And as far as being IP banned well, I am using the same computer to play, and it ALWAYS logs.

Just a lil nudge in the right direction plz, even a link to a helpful thread that has the answer in it would be appreciated. Or if its so simple you just gotta tell me at this point it would be great. (Just knows I am gonna kick myself when I find out why it won't stay logged)


Quote from: Dilligaf on July 06, 2004, 08:48 AM
And there is a difference between sucking up and giving the dude credit which he clearly deserves. Who wouldn't want to learn from the best????

Giving credit would be more along the lines of, "good work, your program is awesome, you're an excellent programmer."  Not, for example, "I will then bother you oh great expert," that just sounds pathetic.

This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


You were the winner out of millions of sperm? What part of "FEEL FREE NOT TO REPLY TO MY POSTS" do you fail to understand iago? Go flame someone who deserves it, instead of trying to discourage someone who honestly just wants to learn. Maybe you should take up masterbation, it will be about as productive as your posts (gratifying only to yourself). You are a true example of why post count means nothing.

If anyone has anything USEFUL to offer and help prod me along I would appreciate it, other than that don't bother, by flaming you prove that you have nothing better to do.


I don't think telling you not to brown nose is flaming. But, maybe I'm wrong.
To lazy for slackware.


Quote from: Dilligaf on July 06, 2004, 11:52 AM
You were the winner out of millions of sperm? What part of "FEEL FREE NOT TO REPLY TO MY POSTS" do you fail to understand iago? Go flame someone who deserves it, instead of trying to discourage someone who honestly just wants to learn. Maybe you should take up masterbation, it will be about as productive as your posts (gratifying only to yourself). You are a true example of why post count means nothing.

If anyone has anything USEFUL to offer and help prod me along I would appreciate it, other than that don't bother, by flaming you prove that you have nothing better to do.

Haha, nice response.  I could have sworn we were having a normal conversation without flaming, but apparently I was wrong.  So *clears throat*

at least hiz momma have no sperm like yurz!

let's see....

a you can suck a dick for all i care


your so stupid you sold your dick for condom money

Ok, do I win?  If not, please go to this link:

And press refresh until you feel sufficiently owned.

Oh, and also
QuoteWhat part of "FEEL FREE NOT TO REPLY TO MY POSTS" do you fail to understand iago?
I think it's my right to respond to whatever I feel like.  Stick around, build up a reputation that doesn't involve sucking up, and perhaps you will gain the right to complain about my responses.  If you want, go to my profile, click on "view last 100 posts" -- you'll find that, in general, I'm either helping somebody or making a neutral post.  I'm no flamer, and there is clearly some flaming going on in this thread.  So *cough*.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Back to the point at hand, from www.battle.net:

QuoteThe USEast Battle.net server is currently down
Tuesday, July 6, 2004  

We are aware that the USEast Battle.net server is down, and we are currently looking into the issue. We have no ETA for when the server will be back up at this time.

Please keep an eye here and on the Battle.net Status forum for the lastest information.  

Perhaps that's your problem?
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote from: Dilligaf on July 06, 2004, 08:48 AMThis is how far I am getting:

[08:22:47] UDP communication subsystem online.
[08:22:47] Connecting to Battle.net server useast.battle.net...
[08:22:47] Connecting to Battle.net logon server bnls.valhallalegends.com...
[08:22:47] Connected to Battle.net!
[08:22:47] Connected to Battle.net logon server!
[08:22:47] Disconnected from Battle.net logon server!
[08:22:47] Logon protocol set to X-SHA1 v1.00.
[08:22:47] Checking versions and CD-key...
[08:22:48] Connecting to Battle.net logon server bnls.valhallalegends.com...
[08:22:48] Connected to Battle.net logon server!
[08:22:48] Disconnected from Battle.net logon server!
[08:22:48] Connecting to Battle.net logon server bnls.valhallalegends.com...
[08:22:48] Connected to Battle.net logon server!
[08:22:48] Disconnected from Battle.net logon server!

Sounds like you're having trouble staying connected to the Battle.net logon server (BNLS).  The service may have been down at the time, or you could be banned.  Only BNLS administrators can determine if you're banned.