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Java 1.5

Started by Tuberload, May 18, 2004, 05:07 PM

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Quote from: iago on May 29, 2004, 02:40 PM
In Java, I would do this:
import java.util.BigInteger;
BigInteger a = new BigInteger(4);
BigInteger b = new BigInteger(1);
c = a.multiply(b);

I personally prefer that over your operator overloading.

If you really like things being extra-verbose, you could always do c.operator=(a.operator*(b));

Banana fanna fo fanna

I hate typing for no reason.


Quote from: Skywing on May 30, 2004, 06:13 PM
Quote from: iago on May 29, 2004, 02:40 PM
In Java, I would do this:
import java.util.BigInteger;
BigInteger a = new BigInteger(4);
BigInteger b = new BigInteger(1);
c = a.multiply(b);

I personally prefer that over your operator overloading.

If you really like things being extra-verbose, you could always do c.operator=(a.operator*(b));

That just looks ugly..
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote from: iago on May 30, 2004, 08:27 PM
Quote from: Skywing on May 30, 2004, 06:13 PM
Quote from: iago on May 29, 2004, 02:40 PM
In Java, I would do this:
import java.util.BigInteger;
BigInteger a = new BigInteger(4);
BigInteger b = new BigInteger(1);
c = a.multiply(b);

I personally prefer that over your operator overloading.

If you really like things being extra-verbose, you could always do c.operator=(a.operator*(b));

That just looks ugly..

Well, you could settle for c = a.operator*(b); which looks rather close to your java version.

Is the = operator overloaded in java? Or does it always do some particular thing? (i.e. member-wise assignment, pointer assignment, something like that)

And I still don't understand why you prefer function names over operators. It seems a little strange that you'd want to know exactly what happens, but at the same time you're programming in a language that is farther away from the hardware than C++ is. Is this based on bad experiences with someone using the operators to do non-intuitive things?


I was beaten with overloaded operators as a child :'(

But seriously, it's because I like code clarity, and I don't htink operators provide that.  

And = in Java is always the same -- assignment.  If it's a primitive type, it assigns the value to the variable, and if it's a pointer (ie, an object) it assigns the pointer to the variable.  

One of the reasons I like Java is simply for code clarity -- unless you're a crappy programmer, code in Java is very clean and readable.  For example, compare this C++ code:
ebp = *(DWORD *)((BYTE *)(Copy+3) - ((esi >> 5) << 2));
To the equivolant Java code (as best as I could write it):
Quoteint location = 12 - ((esi >>> 5) << 2);
ebp = IntFromByteArray.LITTLEENDIAN.getInteger(Copy, location);

I rather prefer the more verbose, but clearer code in Java.  
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote from: iago on May 31, 2004, 12:39 PM
I was beaten with overloaded operators as a child :'(

But seriously, it's because I like code clarity, and I don't htink operators provide that.  

And = in Java is always the same -- assignment.  If it's a primitive type, it assigns the value to the variable, and if it's a pointer (ie, an object) it assigns the pointer to the variable.  

One of the reasons I like Java is simply for code clarity -- unless you're a crappy programmer, code in Java is very clean and readable.  For example, compare this C++ code:
ebp = *(DWORD *)((BYTE *)(Copy+3) - ((esi >> 5) << 2));
To the equivolant Java code (as best as I could write it):
Quoteint location = 12 - ((esi >>> 5) << 2);
ebp = IntFromByteArray.LITTLEENDIAN.getInteger(Copy, location);

I rather prefer the more verbose, but clearer code in Java.  

I prefer the less verbose but clearer C++ code:

ebp = Copy[3 - esi / 32];

(assuming Copy has been properly declared as a pointer to DWORD or int or whatever you're pointing at)

I suppose it really does become a matter of opinion. I find it much easier to abstract away as much detail as possible, and only keep the important things. The less code I have to look at, the better.

Banana fanna fo fanna

int location = 12 - ((esi >>> 5) << 2);
ebp = Copy[location];


Quote from: impersonating members is bad! on May 31, 2004, 02:22 PM

int location = 12 - ((esi >>> 5) << 2);
ebp = Copy[location];

That won't work because of different pointer sizes.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:
