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Time logged

Started by Denial, June 11, 2004, 07:25 PM

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Was wondering who has the most Time logged on

//provided by Binary chat

[17:38:53] GamerBot\Recorddata\Account Created: Sunday, January 19, 2003 3:49:39 PM
[17:38:53] GamerBot\Recorddata\Username: GamerBot
[17:38:53] GamerBot\Recorddata\Last Logon: Friday, June 11, 2004 5:23:17 PM
[17:38:53] GamerBot\Recorddata\Account Expires: Sunday, September 12, 2004 5:23:12 PM
[17:38:53] GamerBot\Recorddata\Last Logoff: Friday, June 11, 2004 5:23:12 PM
[17:38:53] GamerBot\Recorddata\Time Logged: 6 years, 128 days, 2 hours, 28 minutes, and 4 seconds
[17:38:53] GamerBot\Record\SEXP\0\Wins: 1573876
[17:38:53] GamerBot\Record\SEXP\0\Disconnects: 1479
[17:38:53] GamerBot\Record\SEXP\0\Last Game: Monday, October 27, 2003 6:53:23 AM
[17:38:53] GamerBot\Record\SEXP\0\Last Game Result: WIN

//provided by Vindication

[17:31:25] Account name: GamerBot
[17:31:25] Account created: Sunday, January 19 2003 03:49:39 PM
[17:31:25] Time logged on: 6 years, 10 months, 3 weeks, 1 day, 2 hours, 21 minutes, 32 seconds
[17:31:25] Last logged on: Friday, June 11 2004 05:16:05 PM
[17:31:25] Last logged off: Wednesday, May 26 2004 08:34:08 PM
Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea


[20:05:52] <record>
[20:05:52] Name = UserLoser.
[20:05:52] System\Account Created = 2003-Jun-05 13:40:55 [0x01C32B91FF57F0C0]
[20:05:52] System\Username = "UserLoser."
[20:05:52] System\Last Logon = 2004-Jun-10 19:15:07 [0x01C44F4926EA7F6C]
[20:05:52] System\Last Logoff = 2004-Jun-10 19:13:19 [0x01C44F48E651FF2C]
[20:05:52] Account Expires: 2004-Sep-11 19:13:19 [0x01C4985D4EBCBF2C]
[20:05:52] System\Time Logged = 315 days, 8 hours, and 34 minutes
[20:05:52] </record>


I've got half a dozen accounts with some decent amount of time logged on them...Among the more prominent:

[21:20:24] Username: Kal-Zal{ath
[21:20:24] Account created: Thursday, April 27, 2000 at 20:16:29
[21:20:24] Expiration date: Monday, August 16, 2004 at 0:06:29
[21:20:24] Last logon: Friday, June 11, 2004 at 21:17:16
[21:20:24] Last logoff: Saturday, May 15, 2004 at 0:06:29
[21:20:24] Time logged: 278 days, 2 hours, 17 minutes, and 9 seconds.
[21:20:24] Authorization level: Regular user

[21:22:39] <record>
[21:22:39] Name = Zakath[vL]
[21:22:39] System\Account Created = 2002-Jan-12 14:10:13 [0x01C19B94619F58A4]
[21:22:39] System\Username = "Zakath[vL]"
[21:22:39] System\Last Logon = 2004-Jun-11 19:22:24 [0x01C4500AF3D32A41]
[21:22:39] System\Last Logoff = 2004-Jun-11 01:51:13 [0x01C44F781AEC08AA]
[21:22:39] Account Expires: 2004-Sep-12 01:51:13 [0x01C4988C8356C8AA]
[21:22:39] System\Time Logged = 162 days, 4 hours, and 49 minutes
[21:22:39] </record>

[21:33:27] <record>
[21:33:27] Name = Zakath
[21:33:27] System\Account Created = 2002-Jul-02 14:51:37 [0x01C221F97EB8C2EA]
[21:33:27] System\Username = "w#Zakath"
[21:33:27] System\Last Logon = 2004-Jun-11 21:33:22 [0x01C4501D3FA1860C]
[21:33:27] System\Last Logoff = 2004-Jun-11 21:30:39 [0x01C4501CDE4A552C]
[21:33:27] Account Expires: 2004-Sep-12 21:30:39 [0x01C4993146B5152C]
[21:33:27] System\Time Logged = 216 days, 1 hour, and 14 minutes
[21:33:27] </record>

[21:34:58] System account name: ZakBot
[21:34:58] Account creation date: 12/10/2001 @ 02:30:25
[21:34:58] Last logon date: 6/12/2004 @ 01:34:52
[21:34:58] Last logoff date: 5/11/2004 @ 01:51:50
[21:34:58] Time logged: 208 days, 9 hours, 1 minute, and 9 seconds
Quote from: iago on February 02, 2005, 03:07 PM
Yes, you can't have everybody...contributing to the main source repository.  That would be stupid and create chaos.

Opensource projects...would be dumb.



[22:04:44.437] Account Created: 1/29/2003, 19:59:58 (Battle.net time)
[22:04:44.437] Last Logon: 6/11/2004, 01:41:33 (Battle.net time)
[22:04:44.484] Last Logoff: 6/10/2004, 19:37:29 (Battle.net time)
[22:04:44.500] Time Logged: 347 days, 0 hours, 42 minutes and 52 seconds


[10:07:46 PM] Account Created: 5/14/2000, 19:31:28 (Battle.net time)
[10:07:46 PM] Last Logon: 6/12/2004, 03:07:17 (Battle.net time)
[10:07:46 PM] Last Logoff: 6/12/2004, 03:07:14 (Battle.net time)
[10:07:46 PM] Time Logged: 836 days, 0 hours, 42 minutes and 51 seconds
- Stealth
Author of StealthBot


Didn't bother checking others because I know Disclaimer@USEast is my highest because it has been running on vL.com for over a year.

385 days, 4 hours, and 56 minutes.


[10:59:56 AM] LW-Falcon/Recorddata/Account Created: 6/30/2003 at 02:31:05 AM
[10:59:56 AM] LW-Falcon/Recorddata/Time logged: 286 days, 12 hours, 49 minutes, and 25 seconds
[10:59:56 AM] LW-Falcon/Recorddata/Last Logon: 6/12/2004 at 12:53:42 AM
[10:59:56 AM] LW-Falcon/Recorddata/Last Logoff: 6/12/2004 at 12:53:42 AM


My first account ever when I first got on bnet using War2.
Quote[15:51:36] <record>
[15:51:36] Name = mattrulz33
[15:51:36] System\Account Created = 2001-Dec-07 20:52:07 [0x01C17F828FE24EB6]
[15:51:36] System\Username = "mattrulz33"
[15:51:36] System\Last Logon = 2004-Jun-12 15:45:48 [0x01C450B5DBE6CAE8]
[15:51:36] System\Last Logoff = 2003-Aug-26 17:57:23 [0x01C36C1D07BDE668]
[15:51:36] Account Expires: 2003-Nov-27 17:57:23 [0x01C3B5317028A668]
[15:51:36] System\Time Logged = 198439 [0x00030727]
[15:51:36] </record>