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New yet old face, I'm sure

Started by cefx, May 28, 2004, 02:26 AM

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Can't believe this is still around.
Irregardless, I've concluded I'd sign up here and peruse the forums in my pursuit of knowledge of c++ and Cisco.
At any rate, here's me:
I'm a young and aspiring poet/writer, from Canada whose primary language is English; with a sideline pursuit of education in C++ (just started, I've purchased Stroustrups "The C++ Programming Language", things should become very interested and very caffeinated soon..) and Cisco networks.  I'm just about to go to an Academy to write my Cisco 2 exams, as I've completed Cisco 1.  (The Pre-CCNA Cisco Academy courses.)
Aside from that, I consider myself an utter newb.
I used to be a complete and utter ignorant idiot, back in the day.
I don't play any battle.net games, or go on battle.net.
I don't know any programming languages.
I know hardware and networking, but that's about it. (...for now) And I am, by no means, an expert on either subject, unless it's personal PC hardware.

You can catch me on EFNet in #b4b0, #!phrack, or #infinite.  Couple others not worth mentioning.

I work for a Microsoft partner company as an XP Frontline phone technician.  I fix all the fuckups in XP, and believe you me -- Windows is buggy as all fucking hell, especially if you're stupid.

My 'hobbies' would be martial arts, airsoft, and recreational drinking or pot smoking.

My operating systems of choice: FreeBSD and Gentoo.
I refuse to use Windows * because it looks like it was fucking designed by Disney.  This mostly goes out to XP and 2003, but even classical it's cartoonish.

Aside from that, ask me.  I'm suddenly becoming not bored in reading a document on php..(gah)





For some goddamned reason, no password I enter for cefx is there.

Nor when I use forgot password, does it send to my email a changed pass or anything.

Some Admin help me out here.

Email me at [email protected] or [email protected].



I reset your password to "password" without the quotes of course.  It's a secret so don't tell anybody.

./edit  I actually did do that.  Oh, and you can fuck off and stop pretending to be cefx.
That sucking sound you hear is my bandwidth.


That was me at work, if you're wondering about the IP address, heh.

What the hell is wrong with my accounts?

I can't log in after I log out, it seems.

cefx and padhraig don't work anymore.

Must be some malfunction in the board. ;\

Trying some other pw's for cefx, but none seem to be working...
Technodev.org (future project) / UnixPartisan.org
Future dictator


I tested the user creation and password reset using email functions successfully.  I also tested the reset password using secret question function successfully.  If you or somebody else reset the password it was changed and emailed to your address listed in the profile.

Have you checked the email for that account?
Have you tried using the secret question/answer for that account?

I am leaning towards the luser error explanation rather than board malfuntion.  What are your thoughts?
That sucking sound you hear is my bandwidth.


Make sure cookies are enabled. This forum doesn't like when cookies are disabled and doesn't tell you that that's the reason, either.


It was not only spyware, but a virus, heh.

It's not my computer that I usually use, I blame the bad maitenance on the owner.

Anyways, everything works fine for crankycefx now, but I just happened to be a big enough idiot to make my secret question for cefx something I did not commit to memory.

So if someone could email me a new pass [email protected], or something of that sort, it'd be greatly appreciated.  Heh.
Technodev.org (future project) / UnixPartisan.org
Future dictator


This one seems to be working fine now, so i'll just use this.

What a fucked up situation.
Oh well.
Technodev.org (future project) / UnixPartisan.org
Future dictator


hmm, you can't get a forum account to work, yet you indirectly work for Microsoft?  I think I see the problem here ;)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


LOL I also see the problem here but at least he know enough not to use windows (I cant get my slackware cd#2 to burn so im stuck with xp untill i figure out why its not working


Quote from: Jensen on June 02, 2004, 06:07 PM
LOL I also see the problem here but at least he know enough not to use windows (I cant get my slackware cd#2 to burn so im stuck with xp untill i figure out why its not working

Because you shouldn't be using it.