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Help with Winsocks

Started by Cell-RC, January 07, 2003, 11:36 AM

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could someone please post JUST the connection stuff for "chat". all the bots i find on pscode.com or anywhere else have to much stuff that i don't understand. All i want is the basic connection sequence for "Chat"
oh yea, Language: VB


Well you aren't gonna learn anything from the chat login sequence, first you should learn VB a little bit more before trying to make a bot, or download many sources, and learn from looking, that's what i did, i regret it, because i dont know everything VB can do.  My advice would be taking a tutorial off the internet, and do some reading, easier then trying to learn off the bat.


I believe you can find the GreetBot Source code on blizzard's ftp site.

http://ftp.blizzard.com (I think thats it)




Greetbot is written in C not VB, I think. Cell the best thing you could do is go to PsCode look up winsock tutorial and it should give you a great idea on how to use winsock, if not then just use the BNLS method. The best thing for you to do is learn the basics before applying to just bnet. I slowed way down when I just tried to program bnet oriented, I find it much easier, and way more funner to be able to code just some wierd program no one will ever see  :P


I believe they translated the GreetBot source code into VB, not sure where it is though. (Bots R' us? heh)


talk about NOT reading my post right. I've been to pscode.com, Greetbot uses OLD chat login senquence and does not work anymore...........Could someone with enough Brains just post the damn login code geez.........


lifes confusing, bnet doesnt want bots online, yet they posted source on there website. I guess its the warring and the lag they dont want.


WinSock1.SendData Chr(3) + Chr(4) & Username & vbCrLf & Password & vbCrLf

Not sure if thats right or not.


crypt, im asking for the CHAT winsocks connection code, not the binary code for the games.
And i do understand people are trying to help, i just want to fool around with the winsocks stuff so i may better learn it, i do not work well from sources of other peoples bots *thinks thats a good thing* so please, someone just post the connection stuff.......


heh read it wrong sorry. I posted a sequence in the above message


well now that the LOGIN code is there, time to go hunting for what im asking for.....the connection stuff o.O


Well since Im getting it wrong I guess. I'm not going to be able to help, since Im not sure what your talking about now.


Connection suff? All you want to do is just connect? I dunno if this is what you want...

Private Sub Form_Load()
    With sckBnet
        .Connect "useast.battle.net", 6112
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub sckBnet_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
    Dim strTempBuffer As String

    sckBnet.GetData strTempBuffer, vbString
    Call DataHandler(strTempBuffer)
End Sub

Public Sub DataHandler(ByVal strData As String)
    'Use strData for all your stuff when you
    'recieve data from battle.net
End Sub

'For sending data to battle.net
Public Sub SendData(ByVal strData As String)
    frmMain.sckBnet.SendData strData & vbCrLf
End Sub

Again I don't know what you needed but maby you can put that to some use =\
Seen as +i!+Wolf+i!+, (i!)~Wolf~(i!)


sweet, thanks wolf tis exactly what i wanted