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Open Letter to [vL] Stalkers

Started by Grok, January 12, 2003, 07:52 AM

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Membership.  It can be a desirable thing.  For some people, belonging to something exclusive might seem to validate someone's worth when they have an otherwise low self-esteem.

Clan Valhalla Legends, by design and by practice, is an exclusive group.  But even that might be wrong, it may be simply an inclusive group, with exclusive tendencies.  Regardless, the people who are in vL have chosen certain other people to also be vL.

Mr. Stalker, they have not chosen you.  This only bothers you because you know about the group.  If you'll simply pretend you have never heard of Valhalla Legends, do not know it exists, your daily anguish over exclusion will be diminished.

Irregularly, but persistently, you have tried to "infiltrate" Valhalla Legends by pretending to be members who have not been around in a few months, by creating a [vL] name and joining the channel.  If luck has it, you find a [vL] name that is expired, thus giving you natural safety and ops benefits.

Despite many failed impersonation attempts, you fail to realize that you cannot change your own personality.  And thus, you cannot spoof the personality of the real member.

The price of being an exclusionary group is we (the leaders, at a minimum) must spend a great deal of time talking to candidates, getting to know them, evaluating their relative fitness for membership, and making a recommendation(approval) to the clan.

The payoff is we get to know a great deal about the eventual [vL] member, and become friends.  When you try to impersonate one of us, you must realize you are up against the friends of that member.  We will notice you and we will ask to validate your identity.

Thus, you will be caught.

All of our members know that they WILL be asked to authenticate their identity at some point, especially after a name change, length of absence, or just acting very out-of-character.  They gladly submit to such authentication because of the nature of your stalkerness.  You, however, resist such authentication, making you stick out even more.


Get some counseling.  You may think you have your problem under control, but you would be wrong.  Do a self-examination:

* Do you watch clan [vL] webchannel more than you spend time with your girlfriend?
* Do you whisper clan members from various names "attempting to make friends"?
* Do you change names and try again, because all your others are Banned and Z-listed?
* Have you gotten excited at the possibility of an expiring [vL] account name that is safe-listed?
* Have you actually created a [vL] name of a current or inactive member and tried to fit in with the clan?
* Do you deny your sickness?  Denial is the first sign of a problem.

If you've answered "yes" to more than one of these, you need professional help.  If you think you don't, try the following:

- Do not think of Valhalla Legends again for one year.
- Do not join or interrogate our channel.
- Do not whisper vL members.
- Do not visit our web page.
- Do not read our forum.
- Get off battle.net.
- Get a dog.  Do not kick it.
- Get a girlfriend.  Be nice to her.  Surprise, you might like it.

Hope this helps, but doubt it.


Who Cares? ;)


Im Innocent!

Mesiah / haiseM

hahahahahahhaha grok you are a fucking g0d, i love it  ;D
]HighBrow Innovations
Coming soon...

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If only the stalker(s) would see its only data, not life.


I take it you're referring to me?  I'm sorry, I just can't get enough of your love, grok!! :P