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Introducing me: Lord_G

Started by Lord_G, June 02, 2004, 09:20 AM

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greetings to all!

My nick, as seen above, is Lord_G, and you can find me throughout bnet as NXS]Lord_G. I am just getting involved with BW community, so if you like it call me n00b, but that does not affect my plans for the future, cause right now that is all i have, without any serious knowledge. I am acting as an admin and designer for starcarft.hu, which is far from being ready. that is the main reason i registered myself, for learning. Me and my admin mates are contributed to get the maximum out of that portal, to make it THE hungarian BW portal. I, also being the leader of clan NXS], have only one goal: making SC an as widely appriciated sport as possible, in Hungary, or even in Europe (well of course in other parts of the World too, but my influence reching so far out, is beyond even my imagination  ;))

quick facts about me:
Location: Hungary, Godollo (near capitol, Budapest)
Age: 22
languages spoken: English (main) and some German (in need)
programming: right now i use VB, once in my life i have been taught C++ (at Budapest University of Technology and Economics), but that needs serious refreshing
hobbies: i am still an active BW player in clan NXS], sports (football, squash)
interests: CG, programming and any activity which someway result in creating something (creativity is the force driving my life)


First of all, you need more sentences :)

Secondly, when you say football, do you mean American football or British football (ie, soccer)?  Is it a spherical ball or does it have points? :)

This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:



This'll make an interesting test for broken AV: