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Editing a bot source code.

Started by idoL, May 10, 2004, 07:13 PM

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Not naming names, I know many people who now whenever they find a packet they want to parse they go source surfing or beg for help. Asking for help is allowed, but at least ask for help, not the answers. Because they never actually bothered to learn the language well enough and how packet structures work, they are completely clueless, or even if they are capable, they are so used to getting the answers from other sources and people that they don't even bother doing it themselves.

This is my two cents by ChR0NiC.


I myself learned to code and Source Codes helped mucho but my code was majorly sloppy and I would recommend reading a book about vb6 controls and then buy a seperate book that concentrates on code. The book I had bought was more controlled based which became useless over a short period of time.

As for coding a bot, thats something you should never leech mainly because coding it actually becomes harder. You don't know what is declared and where it is. Where functions are or what they do. Over all the project becomes sloppy and when you release if you do no one will really like it as well.

Pick up a book, Download the actual program and start off slow. Learn you language.  Also something I realized post here if your having trouble with something. I wish I knew about these forums sooner. =\


Quote from: Networks on May 11, 2004, 01:37 PM
As for coding a bot, thats something you should never leech mainly because coding it actually becomes harder. You don't know what is declared and where it is. Where functions are or what they do. Over all the project becomes sloppy and when you release if you do no one will really like it as well.

This leads to taking a source, changing the names and (if they know how) the GUI. Which we saw an example of here where someone claimed they wrote some code which clearly belongs to Feanor's TCP Connection. I just can't express enough of how bad of practice source studying is.


Very true. I've gone through the phases but I never released anything that wasn't 90% coded by myself.


Yeah that's pretty wise advice there guy's, yet again I thank you.  ;D


I'm not against somebody taking source code, as long as they credit the author and such. Human knowledge belongs to the public which is why so many projects are open source. However, when somebody takes the source and claims it as their own, that's what bothers me.


Quote from: ChR0NiC on May 11, 2004, 12:05 PM
Looking at sources lead to copying and code leeching. Try to keep it to a minimal and only refer is necessary. You will thank yourself you didn't look at sources once you become somewhat a veteran at Bot Development.
Suprised to see who is talking. Are you trying to say your a veteran and you didn't look at sources? Personally, I think code leeching is the first step many programmers do to get there name up. Many of us have had our own cases of leeching and many do decline that even much later. Code leeching is some what people still depend on today to get there work done.

My two cents by SiMi.


Quote from: Simi on May 11, 2004, 06:18 PM
Suprised to see who is talking. Are you trying to say your a veteran and you didn't look at sources? Personally, I think code leeching is the first step many programmers do to get there name up. Many of us have had our own cases of leeching and many do decline that even much later. Code leeching is some what people still depend on today to get there work done.

My two cents by SiMi.

It's very bad practice though.....may be faster but it's not a good habit to get into.

My two cents by ChR0NiC >:(


Code leeching along with the aforehand mentioned techniques will do fine for me.


Quote from: idoL on May 12, 2004, 07:12 AM
Code leeching along with the aforehand mentioned techniques will do fine for me.

With that attitude you probably won't get much help here.


Quote from: ChR0NiC on May 11, 2004, 07:15 PM
Quote from: Simi on May 11, 2004, 06:18 PM
Suprised to see who is talking. Are you trying to say your a veteran and you didn't look at sources? Personally, I think code leeching is the first step many programmers do to get there name up. Many of us have had our own cases of leeching and many do decline that even much later. Code leeching is some what people still depend on today to get there work done.

My two cents by SiMi.

It's very bad practice though.....may be faster but it's not a good habit to get into.

My two cents by ChR0NiC >:(

My friend stole the whole logon that connected to BNLS and loaded all the clients and all he did was add features to the bot. Did he really code his own bot and is allowed to claim it as his own? Is this source stealing? If this is isn't that what people do with CSB? What's you take?


Quote from: hismajesty on May 12, 2004, 08:34 AM
Quote from: idoL on May 12, 2004, 07:12 AM
Code leeching along with the aforehand mentioned techniques will do fine for me.

With that attitude you probably won't get much help here.

Perhaps you don't understand what I was meaning; I meant I'd look/use the source code of bots along with the learning VB advice and reading books etc to learn how to make a bot.
I did'nt mean leech as in steal code and claim as my own.


Quote from: AC_Drkan on May 11, 2004, 10:06 AM
Well here is how i learned:
Advice from a guy who can't make an algorithm for checking palindromes.
QuoteEvery generation of humans believed it had all the answers it needed, except for a few mysteries they assumed would be solved at any moment. And they all believed their ancestors were simplistic and deluded. What are the odds that you are the first generation of humans who will understand reality?

After 3 years, it's on the horizon.  The new JinxBot, and BN#, the managed Battle.net Client library.

Quote from: chyea on January 16, 2009, 05:05 PM
You've just located global warming.