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New bot, game login

Started by Marcus Schweda, January 14, 2003, 01:27 AM

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Marcus Schweda

Some time ago I programmed a bot. It has many features like:

User friendly, customizable interface.
Filters - phrases and / or antiflood.
Integrating simple or complex scripts with VBScript
Adjustable Interbot support.
Buddy list with many informations.
Exporting to text, richtext or HTML files.
Macros and other intelligent chating helps.
Help with over 350 printed sites.

<B>Script features</B>
Reacting on events using VBScript & WSH.
dkl class with full control over all features.
Integrated editor with intellisense & tooltips.
HTTP functions for communication with your website.
Help contains whole VBScript 5.6 documentation.

--End of copy-paste ;)

First: What do you think, any suggestions to make it better?

Second: Any VB programmer who knows why this damn "Out of memory" error occurs on many boxes?

And third: I need help with game logins. This is *just* a [chat] client. I want to add game emulation. Sounds easy but this b.net login routine is complex. is there any tutorial about this or can someone introduce me how a let's say d2 login works? thank you


A critique of only the feature list would be inadequate, inaccurate, and not that interesting.  The people who read this forum would be better able to contribute if you post a URL to download and run the bot.


Since I don't yet have D2 support in my bot yet, I cannot answer your question regarding D2 logins.

But you can check out the documents section at http://botdev.valhallalegends.com.

Specifically, the BNLS documentation is quite useful.It'll be in the "quick links" subsection at the top of the documents page.

Additionally, if you wish to support Battle.net's icons files (.bni), you can read my documentation on them at http://kbserver.homeip.net/kanebot/misc/bni_file.html
Macintosh programmer and enthusiast.
Battle.net Bot Programming: http://www.bash.org/?240059
I can write programs. Can you right them?



The BNLS protocol spec lists the packets you need to send/receive, regardless of whether you're actually using BNLS or not, so definitely give it a look.
Quote from: iago on February 02, 2005, 03:07 PM
Yes, you can't have everybody...contributing to the main source repository.  That would be stupid and create chaos.

Opensource projects...would be dumb.


Since nobody posted a link,

Regarding the "Out of memory" error, maybe you have some bug that causes your code to keep concatenating to some string? Maybe you're using a regular text box instead of a rich text box? (On Win9x, a regular text box is very limited in the length of its data - 64KB max for a Win9x multi-line text box. The rich text box is not limited on any platform.)

I try to not be overly evil on this, but maybe VB just sux? ;)


<aims his Muskat at Yoni for bad-mouthing VB>
^-----silly Brit


truth hurts eh eternal?

Mesiah / haiseM

What yoni said could be possible, but highly doubt thats whats causing the error. 64kb of text is quite a bit of text, and most time that out of memory error usually occurs right when the window loads, so id do something like this; take out each control one by one, and see if the error still occurs, if it does and u have nothing left, then its a problem with your memory itself, see a gynocologist.
]HighBrow Innovations
Coming soon...

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Marcus Schweda

How stupid, I forgot to post the URL


Thanks for doc URL @Yoni

Concerning "Out of memory":
For small text input I use Forms 2.0 lib and for the chat screen a rtfbox.