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What's the difference between 0x3A and 0x29?

Started by tA-Kane, January 30, 2003, 10:09 PM

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I learned VB in the middle of the previous summer, i learned most basic stuff about VB from a chat bot source, LodgeBot by Nova1313...A while later, a few months or so, i came upon EthBot source, from there on i learned the basics about battle.net packets...i began to packet log and compare to what was in ethbot, to what i have logged..that was pretty much the way i learned about DWORDs, WORDs, strings are basically common sense...I never did read any documents about what DWORDs, WORDs, BOOLs/booleans were, i just learned them by my self from logging/comparing.... and from there i came to where i am today...still learning and still wishing for what i want to do in the future...

Mesiah / haiseM

Don't know why im sharing this, but i came onto bnet in early 2001. I just borrowed the game i once rented for nintendo 64, from a friend. And found it much more fun on the computer. Then i got onto battle.net, played some games, lost alot of em and so on. Then I was flipping through the channels one day in the channel list, and i saw this once clan that was overpowering all the other bots in clan recruitment. So naturally, i joined the channel, and joined the clan. They had me download ultimate bot, and log it on. And i had NO clue about what the hell it was even for, they just gave me step by step directions, i was confused. Untill i read some stuff, then got the hang of what it was and stuff. At the time i was in a childrens home (dont ever steal a car  :-/) and i was only allowed home on weekends. I came back one weekend to my computer, tried to log my bot on, and said it was restricted, this was obviously when they patched chat bots to public channels. Shortly after i got ahold of the backdoored damnbot everybody had, but as always, my norton was to sweet for it, so i could never use it. Then i just pissed around on the computer doing whatever i thought was fun, till i learned what i know today, damn close to nothing, w00t.
]HighBrow Innovations
Coming soon...

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I didn't intend on this thread going so off-topic...
Macintosh programmer and enthusiast.
Battle.net Bot Programming: http://www.bash.org/?240059
I can write programs. Can you right them?



I have no clue.  Either I was very tired when I wrote the reply, and intended it for another forum, or someone's playing a joke and moved it here!  Most likely I replied to the wrong topic.


I used to be in clan sun(www.clansun.com) a LONG time ago, ive forgot more of the members name even my old SuN~ name.....