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how to start a binary bot

Started by gotcha_ass, January 26, 2003, 08:07 PM

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how do you start making a binary bot?? Ive seen the simple code usin a winsock that connects and sends some crap, but how do you do a full logon to get into the private channels?


nevermind i figured it out on my own, i got the source to binarybot and am making a little map to help me figure out the events, but I know some questions will pop up some time.


ok I have a question now...
After the bot logs on, it calls up this Function that get the MpqName and the HashCmd.
It sends this packet:
sckBnet.SendData Chr(1)
PacketBuf.InsertDWORD 0
PacketBuf.InsertDWORD 0
PacketBuf.InsertDWORD 0
PacketBuf.InsertDWORD 0
PacketBuf.InsertNTString "vLBBot"
PacketBuf.InsertNTString "vLBBot"
PacketBuf.SendPacket sckBnet, &H5

PacketBuf.InsertNonNTString "68XIRATS"
PacketBuf.InsertDWORD &HA5
PacketBuf.InsertDWORD 0
PacketBuf.SendPacket sckBnet, &H6

Will somebody explain what the Chr(1)is, and what should the 2 NTStrings that say "vLBBot" contain? And, also, can you explain the "68XIRATS", &HA5, &H6??

Or tell me of a doc some where that will explain it for me. Thanks.



dont use 0x06...its OLD


what is 0x06??

oh ya, thanx for the BnetDocs....that site has everything I need.