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Arta: Possible addition to BnetDocs

Started by Mesiah`Grammas, January 30, 2003, 09:04 PM

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i see youve gotten alot of nice packets and descriptions for them, but looking at all the events, i noticed you dont have 0x46, the battle.net message of the day. I know this isnt manditory, but hey, if u want it to be the best of the best, why not add it :-P

IIRC, you just send a dword in the packet, and ittl return the motd.


stupid thing, cant modify

was going to say, what about ad banners also?

i would post comments there, but theres no general section type thing for it...


I'm also noticing that BnetDocs doesn't have *every* packet...

Such as the gamelist (0x09) packets...

And the 0x3A login that my Diablo 2 client uses...


Apparently, Arta could be hiding some Docs from us... =/

<MacBinaryBot> does the windows diablo 2 use 0x3A to login, or 0x29?
<*Invert[vL]> MacBinaryBot: http://www.valhallalegends.com/arta/bnetdocs/
<MacBinaryBot> does it have it now? i checked there earlier and it didnt have it
<MacBinaryBot> nope; still doesnt have it
<MacBinaryBot> and also still doesnt have the game list packet (0x09)
<*Invert[vL]> if it does not have it there you should ask on the botdev forum
<MacBinaryBot> k
<*[vL]Kp> Those might be restricted docs
<*Invert[vL]> MacBinaryBot: i think it has all that but you might need a higher lvl
<*[vL]Kp> [e.g. not visible to base level user]
<*Invert[vL]> yeah like Kp said
<MacBinaryBot> hrmmm...
<MacBinaryBot> why would certain documents be restricted?
<*[vL]Kp> *shrug*
<*[vL]Kp> Arta's decision on that
Macintosh programmer and enthusiast.
Battle.net Bot Programming: http://www.bash.org/?240059
I can write programs. Can you right them?



SID_GETADVLISTEX (0x09) is not displayed because my documentation of it is incomplete. I have taken care to make sure that BnetDocs is as accurate as possible, for obvious reasons, and things that I am unsure about will remain hidden until I'm happy that they're correct enough to be released.

SID_NEWS_INFO (0x46) isn't displayed because it's not necessary for it to be. I want BnetDocs to be a useful resource, but I don't want it to eliminate the need for people to find some information out for themselves. I feel that people's possesion of such skills benefits the bot development community as a whole.

BnetDocs is intended to be a middle way. My reasoning behind it is to provide people with enough technical information to write a bot, basic as it may be, without having to use 3rd party DLLs, BNLS, or ripped off source code - not to entirely remove the need for a little ingenuity.


What?  All I hear is "I'm going to make people actually WORK for what they want, unlike using BNLS!"

This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:

Banana fanna fo fanna

Arta: ditch bnetdocs and make it a wiki ;)


A whatie?


Quotelink=board=bot;num=1043996696;start=0#6 date=02/01/03 at 01:40:11]A whatie?

Wiki's are actually pretty cool... :)


Banana fanna fo fanna


Bah, that's what comments & reports are for :P