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Connection Problems

Started by Fpa, February 04, 2003, 12:35 PM

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-i got all my vars in a data type in my module
-all my info loads into the bnls.properties
-i also setup the code for bnls.connecting .connected bnls.bnetconnecting .bnetconnected
-it dosent do anything and hangs
-this is my menu item for connecting

Private Sub Connect_Click()
If Data.strUser = "" And Data.strPass = "" And _ Data.strCDKey = "" And Data.strHome = "" And _
Data.strClient = "" And Data.strServer = "" Then

   MsgBox "Missing Properties! Edit Bot Config!"
End If

BNLS.BNLSBotPassword = "mypassword"
BNLS.Username = Data.strUser
BNLS.Password = Data.strPass
BNLS.NewPassword = Data.strPass
BNLS.HomeChannel = Data.strHome
BNLS.Server = Data.strServer
BNLS.Product = Data.strClient
BNLS.CDKey = Data.strCDKey
BNLS.LODKey = Data.strLODCDKey
BNLS.Realm = Data.strRealm
BNLS.UseRealm = Data.intRealm
BNLS.Character = Data.strCharacter
BNLS.UseUDP = Data.intLagSpoof
BNLS.UseWait = False
BNLS.TheWait = 0
'MsgBox BNLS.BNLSBotID & vbCrLf & BNLS.BNLSBotPassword & _ vbCrLf & BNLS.Username & vbCrLf & BNLS.Password & vbCrLf _ & BNLS.NewPassword & vbCrLf & BNLS.HomeChannel & vbCrLf & _ BNLS.Server & vbCrLf & BNLS.Product & vbCrLf & BNLS.CDKey _ & vbCrLf & BNLS.LODKey & vbCrLf & BNLS.Realm & vbCrLf & _ BNLS.UseRealm & vbCrLf & BNLS.Character & vbCrLf & _ NLS.UseUDP & vbCrLf & BNLS.UseWait & vbCrLf & _

BNLS.Accept = -65
End Sub

-is it a bnls account problem? if so can someone help me?
-can someone please post a "solution" to my "most certain" code
-Note: i used my message box to debug before quoting it: shows that all of the bnls.properties are set correctly



Put everything in code format
and I know what the problem is becuase Cuphead might get mad or something  ;D try talking to him.


If you're using version 2 of cleanslatebot.ocx it should be
BNLS.Accept = 579728


umm sweet.. thnx sys failure!
i didnt know they changed the code for cleanslatebot2.ocx
