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Connecting to proxy servers

Started by MichaeL, March 18, 2004, 02:27 PM

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Hey, I'm quite new to Visual Basic.  I have created a winbot, and I want to be able to connect to battle.net using a proxy server, probably using winsock.  How would I go about doing this?  Or ... are there any websites that could guide me through it?  

Thanks, MichaeL@USEast


You asked this already; no spamming.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


I know i asked it.  I placed it in the wrong section. Sorry.  :/
iago.  It would help if you actually answered questions, or at least said that you dont know.


There are websites. Search for socks.


Quote from: MichaeL on March 18, 2004, 04:14 PM
I know i asked it.  I placed it in the wrong section. Sorry.  :/
iago.  It would help if you actually answered questions, or at least said that you dont know.

I usually do answer questions, but not when it's posted in 3 places.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Okay, pretend it's only in place.  Or if your really good, erase my posts on the other two.


Quote from: MichaeL on March 19, 2004, 02:20 PM
Okay, pretend it's only in place.  Or if your really good, erase my posts on the other two.

ooooo attitude. Was about to post where you could find information on connecting to SOCKSv4/SOCKSv5 proxies, too. :(




LoRd, I have nothing wrong with you.  I admire your programming too.  Telling me where to get that SOCKS4/SOCKS5 information would be greatly appreciated. :) >:(
