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Ez Question

Started by JaMi, February 14, 2003, 05:01 AM

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im sure its a simple question to answer im just beyond tired of trying to figure it out lol,
      If Left(strText, 1) = msTrigger Then DoCommands strUser, strText, False if that works then why wont this?     If LCase(strText) = msTrigger & strAccount Then DoCommands strUser, strText, False strAccount = name logged on as of course btw


your first code will take something like !HEre and will see if ! = your trigger

your second one will take something like !HEre and give you !here - the lowercase of the text


why would you be adding the trigger to an account?


in case of bots with same trigger... `name (command)


of course that wont work if there are any command params, all your checking for is trigger & account.

If left(strtext,len(mstrigger) & len(straccount)) = mstrigger & straccount
and LOL. DoCommands, an ethbot function...


Quotein case of bots with same trigger... `name (command)
why not whisper it? trying to impress your friends? 8)


Quotewhy not whisper it? trying to impress your friends? 8)

Because it looks funnier. "Disclaimer, ban Camel" - commands can be issued by using trigger, or bot's name with a comma (in EternalBot).


In my case,
ShadowAssassins, say UserLoser wonders why he is banned from Botnet, or not able to connect...


QuoteIn my case,
ShadowAssassins, say UserLoser wonders why he is banned from Botnet, or not able to connect...



why not whisper it? trying to impress your friends?  umm no, just to save a step in the process..... ChewBot has that option as well and i always used it that way... Well anyway thanx for all the "help" ?


QuoteWell anyway thanx for all the "help" ?

You weren't helped? If you weren't, I could spill out the answers for you.


not that i saw.... i mean i now realize what was wrong with it, but not how to fix it, ill figure it out sooner or later i was just frustrated with trying for the moment


Example situation: If you're logged on account Jack and trigger is '!', you want to be able to do this: !Jack <command> (i.e., !Jack say Hello). Right?

If so, then try this (used your variables and function to be more convenient):

If LCase(Left(strText, Len(msTrigger) + Len(strAccount))) = LCase(msTrigger & strAccount) Then DoCommands strUser, Mid(strText, Len(msTrigger) + Len(strAccount) + 2), False
That is assuming your DoCommands() function takes exact command and contents with excluded trigger.


Actually, that would be my DoCommands.. ;)