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Diablo II Realm - Game Packet 0x65

Started by c0ke, February 20, 2003, 01:08 PM

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This is a basic conclusion of what In-Game packet 0x65 consists of

0x65    <-- Packet ID
DWORD   <-- found in Realm Packet 0x04    
WORD    <-- Found also in realm packet 0x04
BYTE    <-- (This is my question)
0x09    <-- Game Version Byte
DWORD   <-- Null for my purposes
Null Truncated string <-- Charecter Name
DWORD   <-- Null
WORD    <-- Null
0x4C    <-- Just there.

My question is about the 7th byte.  Until the realm maintinence yesterday i just send it as 0x04 because that is what i picked up in my packet logs.  However after the realm maintinence i noticed some of my charecters couldnt join games.  I took a few more logs and noticed a changed in the Byte in quesion.  It was either 0x04, 0x03, 0x02 or 0x00.  Can anyone explain to me where the value of this byte comes from or how you figure out what it should be?

P.S. if your going to flame me please refrain from doing so for flaming does not have anything to do with bot development (noodlez).


Nevermind im an idiot.


its your character byte


yeah, thanks for not flaming

anyways that wasnt my problem

my problem was packet length, its capped at 29 bytes


the charactername isn't a nt string, btw. its 15 bytes in length. if your name is <15 then fill the rest of the data with null. there will be other points where strings have hardcoded lengths like that


yeah i figured it out

thanks for the advice