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order in making a bot

Started by PaiD, February 15, 2003, 03:55 PM

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Eibro of Yeti Lovers.

Banana fanna fo fanna

ipban perhaps


Quote0x01 8p
its not actually packet 0x01, its just a single byte


so? its still a packet.
just because if doesnt have the bnet packet header doesn't mean it's not a packet.


how did i know you were going to say that...

yes, but you wouldnt call it "packet 0x01", because then you would have to call every othe packet "0xFF" or "0xFF 0xwhatever"

[edit] me fail english?

Banana fanna fo fanna

I prefer referring to them as "bnet messages" instead of "packets," because you have no control over the TCP packets when you're using the TCP layer.


Quoteno control
Well, technically you have a little control...
Even without using raw sockets, you can change some things in the header with setsockopt.


if you're handy enough. you could send() some data, and then quicly hack the memory before it gets sent


Quoteif you're handy enough. you could send() some data, and then quicly hack the memory before it gets sent
ehh... No, if you really wanted to do something like that, you'd install some kind of API hook/jmp before calling send, not do it "quickly after"!


Quoteif you're handy enough. you could send() some data, and then quicly hack the memory before it gets sent
By the way, at least on NT your data is quickly passed on to kernel mode drivers, such as NDIS.SYS.  You'd have a hard time bothering kernel mode memory from user mode.

Banana fanna fo fanna

Yoni: notice how I said TCP layer ;)