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Connected D2GS Lost Bnet

Started by PaiD, March 09, 2004, 08:17 PM

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Ok This is ready odd. I connected To D2GS and it sent me 1 packet right when I connected but bnet also disconnects me and ipbans me, Why?

[21:16:16] Joining Game.
[21:16:16] Realm Packet: 0x04
[21:16:16] 15 00 04 69 00 15 00 00 00 3F F1 53 A9 C3 8F 06     ...i.....?.S....
08 00 00 00 00                                      .....
[21:16:16] Connected to D2GS. IP:
[21:16:16] BNET: Connection Closed.
[21:16:16] Unidentified D2GS Packet: 0x01
[21:16:16] AE 01                                               ..


What exactly are you sending?  I do believe there are some values that you have to store from previously recieved packets and are required to send back in the first D2GS packet to the server


I didnt get a change to send anything to d2gs. I connected to the server and then it sent 0x01 and I got disconnected by bnet and ipbanned.

       frmMain.sckD2GS.Connect FinIp, 4000
       With PBuffer
           .InsertNonNTString StrReverse(Bot.Product)
           .InsertNTString "&H" & verByte
           .InsertNonNTString &H0
           .InsertNTString frmGame.txtName
           .InsertNTString frmGame.txtPass
           .SendPacket &H22
       End With

edit: Added the coding.

Edit Again: Ok I found my problem it was with 0x22. I didnt send the correct format.

       With PBuffer
           .InsertNonNTString StrReverse(Bot.Product)
           .InsertDWORD "&H" & verByte
           .InsertNTString frmGame.txtName
           .InsertNTString frmGame.txtPass
           .SendPacket &H22
       End With