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Started by Jay, February 22, 2003, 11:25 AM

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Ok, When I try to add Winsock to my toolbox an error occurs and it reads "License information for this component not found. You do not have the appropriate license to use this functionality in the design enviorment."


That would mean the current version of visual basics you have does not support that control. So if you got the compiler from one of those 15$ books you won't be able to do much with it.

Banana fanna fo fanna

don't you mean visual basic?


So, What should I get then?


Ok, Nevermind about that I am going to learn C++ now any good books to get?


I'd look for a introduction to C++ programming, just to get you started with.. yeah sorry typo was in a hurry when I typed it out.


Do any books come with a good compiler?


Just download the borland command line compiler, its a free 6mb download(I think 6mb). You can also download a free debugger from them too. Or there something someone wrote for doing dev work on the gameboy that I used to have it was a visual compiler pretty nice too I just forgot what it was though.

Banana fanna fo fanna

Try Dev-C++.


Anyone know where to get the full version of VB? Because all I have is the Working Model.

