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NASA found on Mars proof of ....

Started by Grok, March 02, 2004, 12:37 PM

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Quote from: Hostile on March 02, 2004, 09:48 PM
Hazard, you have been overly critical. Half of the things you say could only possibly be for your entertainment, and of no contribution. Most of them are highly arrogant on top of it, and there for more annoying to read.

hehe, Yeah... Its not just McDonalds more so anymore, now theres a Walgreens on every corner and a Starbucks in every mall. :P

It's creepy, here Starbucks are literally a few blocks apart from eachother. I know one where there three at the same intersection, just accross the street from eachother. One in the mall, one at the shopping centre accross the street, and one in the super market accross the street. Now they're building a drive-thru starbucks accross the street from me, because there apperantly isn't enough starbucks? I know of about.. 7 in a one mile radius.

I'm starting to see Walgreens everywhere too, and each time I see one I wonder why we need a chain drugstores...

Edit: Realized there are four, not three.. starbucks in that particular interesection.. next to the one in the mall is one in a Barnes & Noble.


McDonald's > Starbucks > Walgreens. Proof:
1. I've never even heard of Walgreens.
2. There hasn't been a Starbucks in Israel for nearly a year: http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2003/4/2/170433.shtml
3. I see McDonald's everywhere.


Quote from: Hostile on March 02, 2004, 09:48 PM
Hazard, you have been overly critical. Half of the things you say could only possibly be for your entertainment, and of no contribution. Most of them are highly arrogant on top of it, and there for more annoying to read.

Mass amounts of examples for me to parse?

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


Quote from: Yoni on March 03, 2004, 05:20 AM
McDonald's > Starbucks > Walgreens. Proof:
1. I've never even heard of Walgreens.
2. There hasn't been a Starbucks in Israel for nearly a year: http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2003/4/2/170433.shtml
3. I see McDonald's everywhere.

I've never heard of Walgreens, we have maybe 2 starbucks here (in bookstores), and McDonald's is everywhere.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Yeah, McDonald's are everywhere, but it's not as bad as starbucks.


Walgreens is a chain of drug stores. I think they are based in the south cuz we have em all over the place. And Mcdonalds owns the world.

edit: maybe there not in just in the south i see hes in Wi.
To lazy for slackware.


They're in the US alot... Some areas more then others but even then they are still expanding alot. iago and Yoni are in different countries, where McDonalds has had a much longer chance to expand too, Starbucks has been expanding more so in the past few years, but I don't think they've made as big of a leap into other countries yet. That and... well despite however much business they may get, not everyone is a coffee drinker and there for theres not much need to put one in certain areas. Bookstores are probably the seemingly best place for them, as oddly whenever I goto one thats about the only time I bother to drink a coffee or similar blend.
- Hostile is sexy.


I don't got to starbucks but i drink the hell outta some coffee. My roommate is more of a coffee shop person because the crap she drinks would be just insane to have to keep all the crap around. Its like a super grande mocha frozen drink with double shots of hazelnut, mocha, vanilla, and then like a couple shots of espresso.
Its insane she pays like over $10 for a cup of coffee. And in regards to walgreens, my cars been out of order for a month or so and walgreens is the only store within walking distance so i been seein it alot.
To lazy for slackware.


And just to add my observations, there are plenty of McDonald's around here, and I haven't ever seen a Starbucks or a Walgreens. I have heard of Starbucks, so they're probably bigger than Walgreens.


I still think they found proof of gay marriages.. perhaps a couple rainbow t-shirts saying just married? Perhaps a couple brown pasty condoms?