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Grokker 2.0

Started by Hostile, February 27, 2004, 09:21 AM

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It's going to take me a while to stop laughing about this. :-*

For those who don't read Java forum, its currently on frontpage of www.java.com too.  :P (Well, one of the programs it random generates to advertise)

Warm up to Grokker for only $49!
- Hostile is sexy.


What's funny about it?


Probably that it sounds like a generic software to search the web intelligently, when in reality it's a tool to look up a set of ready-made pages, kinda like google's sponsored links. It most likely wouldn't find me any neatly organized links if I typed in "Vikingstad", and probably not even for "Linköping". Yes, you can probably add things to your own copy yourself, but then it's not a search engine, just a tool to catalogize your own information.


I think it's funny because it sounds like "Grok", and it wants people to warm up by being close with "Grok" this winter.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


lol iago atleast has a clue. You know that guy, that founded vL and donates us this forum and server? Yeah, that one! The one we call, Grok! You guys should get to know him and maybe you'd actually think it was funny. This program, besides the obvious name slur (not to mention one of his many nicknames amoungst myself and DM is Grokker :p) That and the description is identical to his personality (which he choose his nickname Grok most likely for the same reasons as the makers of that program). Get a clue!
- Hostile is sexy.


Ah. I've seen "grok" used as a word enough that I no longer find that connection of the name funny. The program was still funny. I wasn't sure if the whole ad was a joke page or not on the first read.


Quote from: Hostile on February 27, 2004, 12:11 PM
lol iago atleast has a clue. You know that guy, that founded vL and donates us this forum and server? Yeah, that one! The one we call, Grok! You guys should get to know him and maybe you'd actually think it was funny. This program, besides the obvious name slur (not to mention one of his many nicknames amoungst myself and DM is Grokker :p) That and the description is identical to his personality (which he choose his nickname Grok most likely for the same reasons as the makers of that program). Get a clue!
I thought it was Thing that donated this forum/server?

Quote from: Adron on February 27, 2004, 01:20 PM
Ah. I've seen "grok" used as a word enough that I no longer find that connection of the name funny. The program was still funny. I wasn't sure if the whole ad was a joke page or not on the first read.
I've never heard the word Grok used outside of our Grok.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


grok - get/understand, that's the only way I knew the word used before I met Grok...


oh, either way it wasn't too funny.


There's also a P2P client called "Grokster". :)