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Vb -> ListView Question

Started by gotcha_ass, February 25, 2003, 07:07 PM

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Oh ok, I wasnt tryin to insult him or anything, just ignorance on my part.


I was tried that code, the real simple one MesiaH posted, and it worked at first, but now I am gettin an invalid key error. Any help?

Mesiah / haiseM

when your error raises, hit debug, the line of code should be highlighted yellow, look at it carefully, if you cant figure out whats causing the error, paste it on here.
]HighBrow Innovations
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Its the same simplified code you posted earlier in this thread. The error is invalid key.

Public Sub DelNick(ByVal strKey$)
        frmMain.ChannelUsers.ListItems.Remove frmMain.ChannelUsers.FindItem(strKey$)
End Sub

Mesiah / haiseM

thats your problem, i changed it to delete them by their name, not the key.
]HighBrow Innovations
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lvUsers.ListItems.Remove lvUsers.FindItem(key).Index


form1.ChannelList.ListItems.add , , username, , icon
form1.ChannelList.ListItems.RemoveĀ form1.ChannelList.FindItem(username).Index


Oh my god its still doin it  ??? ??? ???
At least I dont get an error, I wish I could put up a screen shot so I can better explain it. But this is weird.


show me the code of how you add items to the list


Public Sub AddNick(ByVal strKey$, ByVal strName$, lngIcon&)
    Dim i&
    i = frmMain.ChannelUsers.ListItems.Count + 1
    frmMain.ChannelUsers.ListItems.Add i, strKey, strName, 0, lngIcon
End Sub


try doing this under the user_join sub
Dim icon As Integer
icon = GetIconCode(client, Flags)
Dim lagicoN As Integer
lagicoN = GetLagIcon(Ping, Flags)

 If icon = ICON_GAVEL Then
    With frmMain.ChannelUsers.ListItems.add(1, username, username, , icon)
    .ListSubItems.add , , , lagicoN
    End With
 End If
 If icon <> ICON_GAVEL Then
    With frmMain.ChannelUsers.ListItems.add(, , username, , icon)
    .ListSubItems.add , , , lagicoN
    End With
 End If

This is a code you could use to remove a user from the list.

form1.ChannelList.ListItems.Remove form1.ChannelList.FindItem(username).Index

If you're trying to add a lag icon also, you would need to add a "ping as string" in your sub. then use that as i did with mine


why dont you check the flags instead of the icon? also, what about blizz reps and bnet ops?


yeah i relized about those this morning,