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coding for PDAs

Started by cipher, March 12, 2004, 12:57 PM

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Ever since the College Board changed their AP exam over to Java I have been trying to find something I can actually use my Java knowledge for. I am curious to know if anyone else here has done any development for mobile devices, and am also curious to know if any of you have a Zaurus ;) Lately I've been trying to make a small game using EWE (www.ewesoft.com), which seems very portable and relatively well developed from what I've seen. Also, any resources that perhaps I haven't found using google would be nice or any experiences with development for mobile devices.

Banana fanna fo fanna

Java is a great language for writing network programs.


I have done some J2ME development for my nokia phone.  The nokia SDK is free to download and integrates with Borland JBuilder on both Windows and Linux.


I am probably taking the computer science AP (in java) next year... or possibly senior year. But I will be taking it.
- Feanor[xL]
clan exile
iago: "caps lock is like cruise control for cool"


I've also done programming on my Nokia phone, as K said, J2ME will suit you better then third party tools as it then wouldn't require the users to have less popular things like the EWE VM and Launcher. :P
- Hostile is sexy.


I looked into that J2ME, looks pretty awesome--emulating the phones/mobile devices was a really neat thing that caught my attention right away ;) Now if I could get it to integrate nicely with my Eclipse (I read about EclipseME or something that does, but have heard confliciting things), it'd be perfect. For EWE I ended up writing some bash scripts to handle compilation and such, but I'm not quite sure how it'd work with J2ME. Thanks for the info.

I ended up finding a lot of useful resources for learning how to write stuff using the J2ME API, surprisingly (perhaps just to me) from IBM: ibm search j2me
I hope if anyone else starts to develop using J2ME those resources will be as helpful to he or she as they were to me.


I have had endless trouble getting the Nokia SDK to integrate / compile with JBuilder X on Windows (XP/2003); something to do with the PATH value for the java compiler.  Eventually I gave up and installed them both on my linux partition.