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Valhalla Legends Logo Contest

Started by Spht, February 23, 2003, 02:18 PM

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Have the artistic skills to create high-quality images? Then submit an image for the new vL logo! The logo must contain the text "Valhalla Legends" and be around 300 x 100 or 400 x 50 pixels in JPG or GIF format and should use the base colors Blue, White, and Black to concur with the web site color scheme.
Your logo must get 2/3 votes from active members to be chosen, so submit good work! E-mail your logo to [email protected] with the subject title "Valhalla Legends Logo Contest."


hehe good plan, getting people to do it for us ;-)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Not quite.  As always we will not accept any work from any non-member, unless they're not on battle.net.  This has always been our policy so to avoid the eventual possibility of someone 'buying' their way into vL, or at least the appearance of it.

But you're welcome to go steal a logo and modify it for our needs!


did vL try this some time ago and said Zef would make the image?