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Started by Slaughter, January 22, 2004, 08:45 AM

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I was wondering if there is a way to spoof or change a cable modems MAC address in order to gain internet access with it. I do not mean the NIC MAC address. Any info would be appreciated.


It's possible, but it's a rather lengthy and complex procedure. The newer your modem and more updated your ISP, the longer and more difficult it is. You might be able to find an indepth guide on this through google.

If you're trying to change your MAC address to get out of a server ban, I suggest you not even waste your time.


Ok thanks. I found some links.. all of which involved opening up my cable modem and unsoldering the chip and re-burning some stuff into it then soldering it back on - not worth the time.


Switch with a different NIC card? Or use a proxy


Slaughter, your avatar confuses me. :( When I see Garfield I think Mitosis.

Banana fanna fo fanna

This router I have can change its MAC...


Is it possible to modify winsock to somehow spoof your IP address, or is the IP stuff all done with your ISP?


Quote from: UserLoser. on January 23, 2004, 03:59 PM
Is it possible to modify winsock to somehow spoof your IP address, or is the IP stuff all done with your ISP?

You can easily spoof your IP. The difficult part is getting at the responses that are sent to your spoofed IP.


Quote from: St0rm.iD on January 23, 2004, 03:02 PM
This router I have can change its MAC...
That's cuz you da mac daddy
That sucking sound you hear is my bandwidth.

Banana fanna fo fanna


Ah yes... a router can change its mac address... Notice above I didnt say router. Its a cable modem. In response to above statements such as ip spoofing, Yes it is possible.  I have never done it with a Windows system, but I have done it with and on several *nix systems.  To my knowledge you wont find a program to do it for you.  It envolves the sending of SYN/ACK/FIN messages. If your interested more in this may I suggest some links I found useful. - http://www.phrack.org . Search up on IP spoofing. If you would like to look at some other articles try google or - http://www.jinxhackwear.com/forum - search for IP spoofing. Anyway, on there I'm "Cordless". Well anyway, hope this was useful.