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*PAYING* *REAL* *US* *CURRENCY* job opportunity

Started by Banana fanna fo fanna, January 20, 2004, 05:49 PM

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Banana fanna fo fanna


I set up that site over the summer but someone else took over maintenence. That guy quit, and I don't have the time to keep up the site. Maybe you do? My boss called the other day and asked if I could find someone.

It uses PHP/MySQL on a Linux Apache box. He pays you a couple hundred bucks a month (depending on what you do, of course). Most of your work would be talking to him over the phone and doing what he wants. If you're interested, contact me:
email [email protected]
aim angryhickclowN
battle.net: $t0rm or $t0rm:][), in clan incdamage.

Email or AIM is preferable.


mmm, sounds pretty good. I have skills in HTML, PHP and Photoshop 7.0 incase some images need to be created