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c++ drawing

Started by MoNksBaNe_Agahnim, January 08, 2004, 03:35 PM

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I have been goofing at school with some graphic programs in the book we are using, such as making a ball roll across the screen and such.

What I was wondering is what are these commands calling, such as directX, openGL, what?

commands: lineto() - moveto() - graph.h **.Net** functions such as fillstyle(), circle, yadda yadda. I am thinking DirectX is used to draw and color these things but im not sure.


DirectX is horribly awkward to use, but if you ever get it figured out there's a lot of potential there.

But that doesn't answer your question, and I dont think it's possible to answer.  What I can tell you, though, is to open the .h files and see what they're doing?
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


I would think that they use GDI.