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[VB.NET] Log time with milliseconds

Started by Smurfling, December 17, 2003, 03:42 AM

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Well for those who are interested:

Grok's WriteLog in VB .NET

Imports System
Imports System.IO

   Public Sub WriteLog(ByVal Text As String)
           Dim FileHolder As FileInfo _
           = New FileInfo(Date.Now.Year & Date.Now.Month & Date.Now.Day & ".txt")
           Text = Text.Insert(0, "[" & Format(Date.Now.Hour, "00") _
           & ":" & Format(Date.Now.Minute, "00") _
           & ":" & Format(Date.Now.Second, "00") _
           & ":" & Format(Date.Now.Millisecond, "0000") & "]  ")
           If FileHolder.Exists Then
               Dim WriteFile As StreamWriter = FileHolder.AppendText()
               Dim WriteFile As StreamWriter = FileHolder.CreateText()
           End If
       Catch ex As Exception
       End Try
   End Sub

Usage - not that hard ;)

WriteLog("Well i really want to log now something :-)")