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Help me with this???

Started by ChR0NiC, December 29, 2003, 02:53 AM

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   pBuffer.InsertDWORD 1
   pBuffer.InsertDWORD 4
   pBuffer.InsertDWORD GetTickCount()
   pBuffer.InsertNTString UserToProfile
   pBuffer.InsertNTString "Profile\Sex"
   pBuffer.InsertNTString "Profile\Age"
   pBuffer.InsertNTString "Profile\Location"
   pBuffer.InsertNTString "Profile\Description"
   pBuffer.InsertNTString "Record\PXES\0\wins"
   pBuffer.InsertNTString "Record\PXES\0\losses"
   pBuffer.InsertNTString "Record\PXES\0\disconnects"
   pBuffer.InsertNTString "Record\PXES\0\last PXES"
   pBuffer.InsertNTString "Record\PXES\0\last PXES result"
   pBuffer.InsertNTString "Record\PXES\1\wins"
   pBuffer.InsertNTString "Record\PXES\1\losses"
   pBuffer.InsertNTString "Record\PXES\1\disconnects"
   pBuffer.InsertNTString "Record\PXES\1\last game"
   pBuffer.InsertNTString "Record\PXES\1\last game result"
   pBuffer.InsertNTString "Record\PXES\1\rating"
   pBuffer.InsertNTString "Record\PXES\1\high rating"
   pBuffer.InsertNTString "Record\PXES\1\rank"
   pBuffer.InsertNTString "Record\PXES\1\high rank"
   pBuffer.SendPacket frmMain.sckBnet, &H26

Anyone know why I might be getting IP Banned???


Quote from: ChR0NiC on December 29, 2003, 02:53 AM

   pBuffer.InsertDWORD 1
   pBuffer.InsertDWORD 4
   pBuffer.InsertDWORD GetTickCount()
   pBuffer.InsertNTString UserToProfile
   pBuffer.InsertNTString "Profile\Sex"
   pBuffer.InsertNTString "Profile\Age"
   pBuffer.InsertNTString "Profile\Location"
   pBuffer.InsertNTString "Profile\Description"
   pBuffer.InsertNTString "Record\PXES\0\wins"
   pBuffer.InsertNTString "Record\PXES\0\losses"
   pBuffer.InsertNTString "Record\PXES\0\disconnects"
   pBuffer.InsertNTString "Record\PXES\0\last PXES"
   pBuffer.InsertNTString "Record\PXES\0\last PXES result"
   pBuffer.InsertNTString "Record\PXES\1\wins"
   pBuffer.InsertNTString "Record\PXES\1\losses"
   pBuffer.InsertNTString "Record\PXES\1\disconnects"
   pBuffer.InsertNTString "Record\PXES\1\last game"
   pBuffer.InsertNTString "Record\PXES\1\last game result"
   pBuffer.InsertNTString "Record\PXES\1\rating"
   pBuffer.InsertNTString "Record\PXES\1\high rating"
   pBuffer.InsertNTString "Record\PXES\1\rank"
   pBuffer.InsertNTString "Record\PXES\1\high rank"
   pBuffer.SendPacket frmMain.sckBnet, &H26

Anyone know why I might be getting IP Banned???

Public Sub RequestProfile(ByVal strUser As String)
InsertDWORD 1
InsertDWORD 4
InsertDWORD &H26 'anyhing you want i never had
                                'trouble with it
InsertNTString strUser
InsertNTString "Profile\Sex"
InsertNTString "Profile\Age"
InsertNTString "Profile\Location"
InsertNTString "Profile\Description"
sendPacket &H26
End Sub

(DWORD)       Number of Accounts
(DWORD)       Number of Keys
(DWORD)       Request ID
(STRING[])    Requested Accounts
(STRING[])    Requested Keys
(STRING)       Unknown (Empty)

Silly guess.. but maybe you need to change 4 to 14.
If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts. - Albert Einstein


As far as I know, these don't exist:

Record\PXES\0\last PXES
Record\PXES\0\last PXES result
Record\PXES\1\rank - Try DynKey\PXES\1\rank


-_- ???? So what should I do then.....


QuoteTry DynKey\PXES\1\rank


Quote from: o.OV on December 29, 2003, 06:38 AM
Silly guess.. but maybe you need to change 4 to 14.

Goddamn I'm an idiot. I went and closed the window while I was typing a reply.  The phone distracted me!

Anyway, he's right.  You have to tell it how many fields you're going to be sending it.

I have some other comments, too, but they're going to have to wait :)

[edit] I should also note that you don't get banned for requesting invalid keys.  You just get back a blank field.  Most game clients (at least, they used to, not sure anymore) request age.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV: