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Started by Gangz, October 24, 2003, 05:28 PM

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Quote from: iago on February 02, 2005, 03:07 PM
Yes, you can't have everybody...contributing to the main source repository.  That would be stupid and create chaos.

Opensource projects...would be dumb.


hrmm new one on me never heard that it begins to unban the ones you first banned

Banana fanna fo fanna

What you could do is dualop and have the secondary op not use flood protection.


Quote from: St0rm.iD on October 27, 2003, 06:51 PM
What you could do is dualop and have the secondary op not use flood protection.
Perhaps you should verify whether bans are per-operator or per-channel first.


Hmm, after reading this I couldn't resist but signing up.

First off I would like to say I never stole any sources from any one. I however did take a few snippets on the earlier versions of Titan. I got my snippets from lord zeros original floodbot. I took the login sequence, the pbuffer class(I understand some one else in vL wrote this), and the create game sub, every thing else was work of my own.

Sitting in channels is not a "flaw" of the bot, it is suppose to do that.

As far as what turtle said, is pretty much completely false. 1) thats not my source, it is but it isn't, it has been modified so much you might as well not even consider it mine. 2) I had no problem with proxy support, I never chose to look into it, I spent about 10 minutes of research and I got proxy support working.

Also I'll take this quote from turtle.. "There is already a bot that does. It is most effective against a Mass Load." Its funny that he says this because..that bot is my bot, Flawed.
As far as the backdoor rumors they are completely false. Where those started from is that a private copy was leaked so I scrapped up a new private copy with a few new features, and I did indeed backdoor this private copy. I also embedded names in it so I could find out who leaked it. Well I found out who leaked it alright, and I found a bunch of people using it. I warned every single person to close the bot and that it was a private bot befor I stole their keys and often wounded their clan the best I could. I'm not an ass, but I don't appreciate people stealing stuff from me.

Also, I did not steal his source in any manner, he did give it to me to look at but his coding was so sloppy I couldn't make heads or tails of it so I deleted it, and he very well knows this.

Continueing on, he did not "cut ties" with me, he was exiled from our channel for being an ass, and acting like he knew every thing. I really dont like people like that, he never was ahead of me, I just straight up didn't give a fuck. Okay..I dont know where to go from here on this..?

Well as a final note I would like to say I do not make flood bots to terrorize people, and be evil ect ect. But more or less to kick the shit out of stupid clans which talk shit and act badass when they are nothing. That is why I offerred channel protection on certain clans, if I knew they were not those types of clans. As far as stealth / stealthbot, I have NEVER taken a single piece of code from his bot, I respect Stealth for his work, he has helped me understand how some things go tick and tock and what not, and I would not be an ass and "steal" from him. You will even notice his name will be in the main credits of the new flawed bot, which is quite an improvment from 1.17b.

If you guys want to look down on some one, and blame some one for floods, if anything you should blame turtle, he was the moron which was stupid enough to release a strong floodbot source to the pub, and let newbs make numerous versions of it, and claim it as their own. Despite that, Titan 1.06 is a nice new version, tops his flood bot in options, just as fast if not faster. I have seen his bot get banned by a 60ms ping, and that same bot couldnt ban mine (im a 56k).

If your wondering why I make a floodbot, than a counter floodbot..I really don't know how to answer this..for the challenge I suppose?


They stole your bot, you warned them to stop using it, they ignored you, you stole their keys as payment.  Sounds like a fair and reasonable penalty.


Hrmm.. i would like to say that titan may not be stolen but the idea for it was first designed by lord]ZeR0[, from what i know so you may have not stolen the coding but the idea yes. Then again we all have stolen ideas from other bots and people [some people call it borrowing] the only reason we are here making bots is because we learned from each other as i am sure when the first bnet bot came out it did not need hashes and sent and recived alot less packets but over the years bnet evolved into more advanced coding in which "WE" as the people who use it worked together to make battle.net better but as in are history we also destoryed battle.net in terms of flood bots mass loading etc. i do not condone the use of them. I myself have used a flood bot and i have seen what the flood bot has done to battle.net.

On the stealing of code i dont condone stealing the hole bot but learning from source codes is a good idea. I myself am not that good of a programmer and i learned everything i know from friends and source codes.

I do not belive that any bot is stolen because most bots do the same thing at the same speed and rate. The only reason there are so many bots out there is because people want fame also some like to back door which i do not condone either.

On the banning of the new titan only by stealth bot 2.1 it may because fleet- has learned off of stealth and his coding therefore his bot connects and does send packets ect. the same way stealth bot does which in turns allows it to ban it. I also belive as long as you edit someones source and dont release it for public use its not really stealing a bot its editing to your personalty and making sure your version is not back doored.

I have heard rumors that BLNS logs username, passwords, and cdkeys. but i myself do not care but for those that do you should release the warcraft 3 hash scripts for the public because not everyone is good at programming [Note i cant even get a packet logger to work].


QuoteOn the stealing of code i dont condone stealing the hole bot but learning from source codes is a good idea. I myself am not that good of a programmer and i learned everything i know from friends and source codes.

There is a significant difference between "learning" and "copy-pasting".

I have heard rumors that BLNS logs username, passwords, and cdkeys. but i myself do not care but for those that do you should release the warcraft 3 hash scripts for the public because not everyone is good at programming [Note i cant even get a packet logger to work].

#1. Get over it, and get over it now. BNLS does not steal information. Skywing and Yoni don't have any reason to steal your accounts, cdkeys, and the like. Furthermore, if you don't like it, DON'T USE IT.

#2. Your arguments aren't coherent. First you say BNLS steals information, then you say that as a result of that and because "not everyone is good at programming" Skywing should release his W3 hashing code publicly. I don't understand: Just what entitles everybody to have the fruits of Skywing's labor, especially people who aren't good at programming? There are thousands of career possibilities and things to do with one's time -- and people who aren't willing to work towards their end goal of being able to program well shouldn't really be programming. Skywing and Yoni were able to reverse-engineer the Warcraft III login system, they have given it to the public through the BNLS service. If you want to log in on W3 without BNLS, find yourself a disassembler and figure it out. BNLS performs VERY well; it's efficient, free, and rarely unavailable -- what more can you ask for?

But that's just my two cents.

On a side note, this thread is way off-topic.
- Stealth
Author of StealthBot


-Michael-: work on your grammar.  Your post is a serious nuisance to read due to run-on sentences.

Quote from: -MichaeL- on December 04, 2003, 02:23 PMI have heard rumors that BLNS logs username, passwords, and cdkeys. but i myself do not care but for those that do you should release the warcraft 3 hash scripts for the public because not everyone is good at programming [Note i cant even get a packet logger to work].

I'm assuming you mean BNLS here.  To my knowledge, only Skywing and Yoni have actually developed the capability to do warcraft III logon procedures.  Therefore, it is not the case that there exists someone who is able to release the warcraft III logon data and that the same someone is interested in doing so.
[19:20:23] (BotNet) <[vL]Kp> Any idiot can make a bot with CSB, and many do!


Lord zero is a flamer anyways. He wrote a new flood bot which can drop every type of bot there is, except a flawed, a zds may live through it too. He got bent when I told him he wouldn't suceed in dropping a flawed bot, then when he attempted to, and failed he got even more pissed and ran his mouth ect ect. Anyways I'm just telling every one this because you should set up your bots to some how evade this from dropping them. His method his quite barbaric, all he does is a bunch of mass rejoins real fast. The reason it wont drop a flawed is because it has virtually no gui! So I would set up your bots that if it recieves so much info in so much time it should at least ignore some client / lag icon reading.


Quote from: Fleet- on December 04, 2003, 05:35 PM
Lord zero is a flamer anyways. He wrote a new flood bot which can drop every type of bot there is, except a flawed, a zds may live through it too.
Yet for some reason even "Topaz Chat" survives with only minor lag.


"Lord zero is a flamer anyways. He wrote a new flood bot"

YOU are a flamer anyways. You wrote that piece of garbage named titan so that everybody can be a lamer and flood people without being banned.

I like people who make fun of other people that make better products then them.

BTW, your flawed bot sucks, couldn't ban a titan on my connection average 15/16 ms. Even on T3 it couldn't ban (Wireless T3 .. might have been a bit slow ><).  How you can say it can pwn mass loads is funny .. because stealthbot can pwn massloads too .. and even better! :)
- Newby

Quote[17:32:45] * xar sets mode: -oooooooooo algorithm ban chris cipher newby stdio TehUser tnarongi|away vursed warz
[17:32:54] * xar sets mode: +o newby
[17:32:58] <xar> new rule
[17:33:02] <xar> me and newby rule all

Quote<TehUser> Man, I can't get Xorg to work properly.  This sucks.
<torque> you should probably kill yourself
<TehUser> I think I will.  Thanks, torque.



Quote from: Skywing on October 24, 2003, 06:14 PM
I think that in general you will find that network transit times are orders of magnitude longer than processing an access list, even in Visual Basic, as long as you're not talking about an unreasonably large database.

Note that of course it's possible to make database lookups very slow by using a poor design, such as doing disk I/O every time you want to look up somebody's privileges.

In many cases you simply won't be able to ban these kinds of bots  in between their joining and leaving the channel.  For instance, if such a bot were to send a join message and a disconnect message in the same TCP packet (e.g. PSH|FIN), it's not reasonable to expect that you'll ever be able to ban it in the interval between joining and leaving.

However, I can recommend two algorithms that you can use to mitigate the disruption causes by these types of attacks, one for an operator bot and one for a chat bot.

In many cases, the server will send both join and leave notifications for these very-fast-rejoin bots in the same TCP packet.  You can roughly equate the chunk of data that you receive in a data arrival notification to a TCP packet arriving.  You can take advantage of this by deferring all potential automatic bans until after you have finished parsing Battle.net packets out of the data you have just received.  After you've finished parsing the received data, you can go and check to see if you were notified that a user both joined and left the channel in the same data chunk.  If this is the case, it's probably not worth trying to ban them, so you can safely suppress a potential automatic ban response and save your moderator bot some queue quota.

The second algorithm is for clients intended to be used by a human to chat through.  Essentially, you may find it useful to delay most processing of chat events for several seconds.  This allows you to detect a "flood bot" joining and leaving the channel very quickly.  Typically you would react to this by silently dropping notifications to the end user about the "flood bot" in question, greatly reducing the amount of spam the end-user must deal with.

Both of these topics have been extensively discussed in the past, and I believe some sample implementations were given.  I recommend that you use the search feature to find these past threads.
