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Started by iago, March 05, 2003, 09:22 AM

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For an assignment, I had to write a very simple SPARC program.. Read in an integer, n, and then n integers.  Display the min, max, sum, and average.  

Just for the heck of it, I thought I'd show you what it looks like :-)

(ps. it wont run unless you link it with SPARCio.c, which is just a library of i/o stuff, decin, decout, strin, strout, etc.)

! Standard prolog
      .section  ".text"
      .global   main
      .align    4
main:      save      %sp,-96,%sp ! Allocate 96 bytes from the stack

!NAME                  iago
!STUDENT NUMBER              666
!COURSE                    74.222
!INSTRUCTOR            Sara
!ASSIGNMENT            3
!QUESTION            1
! This program will read in an integer value of n and then n integers.
! It will calculate and print the minimum, maxiumu, sum, and average
! of all the numbers

! Register usage:
!  %L7 - n
!  %L6 - The current number
!  %L5 - Total (sum)
!  %L4 - Max
!  %L3 - Min
!  %L2 - Backup of n

! Print identification banner
      set      banner,%o0
      call      strout
! Get the value for n
      set      nprompt,%o0
      call      strout
      clr      %L5            ! Clear Total in delay slot
      call      decin

      mov      %o0,%L7
      mov      %o0,%L2
! Prompt for the first value
      set      iprompt,%o0
      call      strout
! Read in the first value
      call       decin
! The first value in is the min AND the max AND the sum!
      mov      %o0,%L3
      mov      %o0,%L4
      mov      %o0,%L5
! Branch to the end of the loop (if the value was 0 which we can assume it's not, it will end up as
! -1 and screw stuff up.)
      ba      endloop
! The beginning of the loop

! Read in the next value
      call       decin
      mov      %o0,%L6
      add      %L6,%L5,%L5

! Check if it's the new min
      cmp      %L6,%L3
      bg      notmin
      mov      %L6,%L3
! Check if it's the new max
       cmp      %L5,%L4
       bl      endloop
       mov      %L6,%L4
      deccc      %L7

      bnz      begin
! All the n's have been read.  
! Display the min, max, and sum
      set      min,%o0
      call      strout
      mov      %L3,%o0
      call       decout
      call      newline
      set      max,%o0
      call       strout
      mov      %L4,%o0
      call       decout
      call      newline
      set      sum,%o0
      call      strout
      mov      %L5,%o0
      call      decout
      call      newline
! Now determine the average, and put it in %L6
      mov      %g0,%y
      sdiv      %L5,%L2,%L6

! display the average
      set      avg,%o0
      call      strout
      mov      %L6,%o0
      call      decout
      call      newline
      set      EOP,%o0
      call      strout
      ret      ! Return
      restore      ! Delay slot
! The data section
         .section ".data"
banner:  .ascii "NAME                  iago\n"
         .ascii "STUDENT NUMBER         666\n"
         .ascii "COURSE                 74.222\n"
         .ascii "INSTRUCTOR            Sara\n"
         .ascii "ASSIGNMENT            3\n"
         .asciz "QUESTION            1\n"
nprompt: .asciz "Enter n:"
iprompt: .asciz "Enter n integer(s):"
min:     .asciz "Minimum = "
max:     .asciz "Maximum = "
sum:     .asciz "Sum = "
avg:     .asciz "Average = "
EOP:     .asciz "End of Processing\n\n"

This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:



I have no experience with SPARC so excuse me if this seems ignorant (it is) but why do you have to use so many nops?


I forgot to mention that.  SPARC does something weird, it reads one line below what it's executing, so in this situation:[code
set nprompt,%o0 call strout
clr %L5[/code]
or, in fact, in any situation where there's a jump, it reads the call while executing the set, then it reads the clr and executes the call, then it executes what's below it.

SPARC has what's called a delay slot; the line directly after a jump is executed before the jump.  It's rather silly, but you can either nop it (like we're actually supposed to) or put an instruction there that has to be executed either way.

When asked what happens if it's another jump, the prof responded, "Nobody knows."  It's actually system-dependant and has unpredictable results.  Sounds like it could be fun ;-)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Also note the backwards mov/add/sub/etc.  

mov src,dest ! Doesn't set flags
add num1,num2,dest ! Doesn't set flags
addcc num1,num2,dest ! Sets flags

And technically, every command is 4 bytes: a one byte command and 3 one byte operands.  mov is actually a synthetic command, which is replaced by:
add %g0,src,dest
%g0 is ALWAYS 0.  A cmp is actually this:
sub num1,num2,%g0
%g0 will never change from 0, so the result is discarded.

clr %L2 will end up like this:
add %g0,0,%L2
And so forth.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


A nop is needed after every function call because of SPARCs tendency to pipeline instructions.
- Hostile is sexy.


What if you do something that isn't a call/jump where the second instruction depends on the first? Such as (pretend it's SPARC and not x86)
mov ebx, ecx
mov eax, ebx


If it sets the flags, we've been told it has unpredictable results and should not be done.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Oh well. I'll keep my x86 to myself.