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Rep icon ;D

Started by Gangz, November 01, 2003, 11:55 PM

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Quote from: Dyndrilliac on November 02, 2003, 08:04 PM
Freeware, that is of course your perogative, however, the fact remains - You do not know everything there is to know about this subject. Who's to say it's impossible? And, using your way, you couldd just bruteforce an administrative account, and packetlog it to see exactly what happens. And more often than not, I am fairly sure something other than "Oh, well since you logged on as a rep you magically and unexplainably got a cool icon, neat, lets go make fun of people that know less than us!" will occur.

K, thanks.

^ useless bungle of words that have no point

I never said it was impossible: There is absolutely no way to get the Rep icon unless you guess the password to a rep account.

I am almost 100% sure that even Battle.Net wouldnt make a Rep icon accessible clientside, even they probably arent that dumb. -1 to you for being as dumb as GanGz


Quote from: Freeware on November 03, 2003, 06:15 PM
Quote from: Dyndrilliac on November 02, 2003, 08:04 PM
Freeware, that is of course your perogative, however, the fact remains - You do not know everything there is to know about this subject. Who's to say it's impossible? And, using your way, you couldd just bruteforce an administrative account, and packetlog it to see exactly what happens. And more often than not, I am fairly sure something other than "Oh, well since you logged on as a rep you magically and unexplainably got a cool icon, neat, lets go make fun of people that know less than us!" will occur.

K, thanks.

^ useless bungle of words that have no point

I never said it was impossible: There is absolutely no way to get the Rep icon unless you guess the password to a rep account.

I am almost 100% sure that even Battle.Net wouldnt make a Rep icon accessible clientside, even they probably arent that dumb. -1 to you for being as dumb as GanGz

Lol - Have you tested this? "I am almost 100% sure" - I take it, no? And yes, you did say it's impossible to obtain a rep icon without having a working Account/Password. "There is absolutely no way" - Since you have a qualifier - This means it's impossible to do so unless the qualifier is reached - unless your just stupid and have no idea what your saying.

I personally remember a program that could change your Latency Icon to whtever you wished it to be, but it was clientsided.  Also, I find it hard that the aformentioned way is the only method possible - There is ALWAYS an alternative, whether it be right or wrong.

And personally - maybe you should read the rules of this forum? "no flaming or blatant stupidity" - Try and check your things on the way out...it's wrong for you or anyoneelse to tell ANYONE they are wrong, when: A) You have not thoroughly tested and exhausted all possible solutions, and B) Act superior to every other user because you have a superiorty complex, which by the way, you should have that looked into.

Furhter more - You never ever had to read this thread at all. Your mad because people are trying to answer a question, and help another human being witha  problem. You should be disgusted to walk the face of the earth. I hope you die of cancer and are hit by an oncoming truck while being transported to your burial site. You have no right whatsoever to make any absolute statments here.
Quote from: Edsger W. DijkstraIt is practically impossible to teach good programming to students that have had a prior exposure to BASIC; as potential programmers they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration.


It's also ridiculous...  ;D

Soul Taker

Of course you can make yourself have it client-side only, just send your client a flags update packet with the proper flag.  But... what's the point of that?


In answer to the original question: For all practical purposes, this is not possible.

Please don't flame eachother. There's just no need to call people dumb.