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Access database

Started by FOH-Master, September 20, 2003, 07:08 AM

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would it be possible to create a database using ms access offline then upload it and use a php script to create a user database so you need a password to access it. If so would i be able to update it online or would i need to upload an up to date database.

Thank you



Wouldn't it be alot easier to use a SQL Databse for that? Sinc eyou can use a program to update the Database when you work on it. Instead pf uploading it and praying that it will work with the Corrisponding PhP scripts


Im sure it would be but most free hosts wont provide sql databases. I have heared of text document databases like that used in bots.


Well you could store it in a text file but if you do that you will have to Parse the data in the txt document which would get very frustrating