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Started by Thing, September 18, 2003, 10:59 PM

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Even if YOU don't know what faith you are, Belief-O-Matic™ knows. Answer 20 questions about your concept of God, the afterlife, human nature, and more, and Belief-O-Matic™ will tell you what religion (if any) you practice...or ought to consider practicing.

I answered "none of the above" and "not applicable" to all of the questions and here were my top results:

1.  Bahá'í Faith (100%)  
2.  Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (100%)  
3.  Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (100%)  
4.  Jehovah's Witness (100%)  
5.  Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (100%)
That sucking sound you hear is my bandwidth.


1.  Unitarian Universalism (100%)  
2.  Liberal Quakers (87%)  
3.  Theravada Buddhism (85%)  
4.  Secular Humanism (84%)  
5.  Neo-Pagan (81%)  

I would agree with that, Unitarian is a good description of me :-)

I answered honestly, but about half is n/a.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


1.  Unitarian Universalism (100%)  
2.  Secular Humanism (98%)  
3.  Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (88%)  
4.  Liberal Quakers (83%)  
5.  Nontheist (80%)  
6.  Theravada Buddhism (71%)  

I'd think I'm more of a Secular Humanist than any others. Unitarian Universalism seems to just accept all tastes (unimportant, whereas i was mostly picking answers for the "does not exist"). Interesting that I might be a mainline to liberal christian protestant considering I disagree with their first 7 points :P


1.  Theravada Buddhism (100%)  
2.  Unitarian Universalism (94%)  
3.  Nontheist (71%)  
4.  Secular Humanism (71%)  
5.  Liberal Quakers (67%)  
6.  Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (66%)  

I am interested in these results, being brought up as a protestant christian.  I consider myself agnostic, and I don't have the desire to be flagged as any religion.  I like to filter out the bad and bring in the good.  After reading about these specific religions, I realized that some are me and some are not me.  However, I did like a lot of the Teravada Buddhism beliefs.  ;)


1.  Orthodox Judaism (100%)  
2.  Orthodox Quaker (96%)  
3.  Sikhism (93%)  
4.  Islam (90%)  
5.  Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (88%)  

5 is the closest, I'm Roman Catholic in belifes which came up as number 7:
7.  Roman Catholic (84%)  

And this is an insult!
20.  Scientology (49%)
Scientology is the one and only religion I belive is truly stupid.


I got told I was Hindu.
I'm actually Roman Catholic but that came in 13th place.


1.  Neo-Pagan (100%)  
2.  Mahayana Buddhism (93%)  
3.  Unitarian Universalism (92%)  
4.  New Age (82%)  
5.  Reform Judaism (82%)  

Interesting, I've never heard of half of these.


Quote from: Hitmen on September 19, 2003, 10:11 PM
1.  Orthodox Judaism (100%)  
2.  Orthodox Quaker (96%)  
3.  Sikhism (93%)  
4.  Islam (90%)  
5.  Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (88%)  

5 is the closest, I'm Roman Catholic in belifes which came up as number 7:
7.  Roman Catholic (84%)  

And this is an insult!
20.  Scientology (49%)
Scientology is the one and only religion I belive is truly stupid.

3.  Sikhism (93%)
thats all me homie!
keep it real!