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Which Bundy Are you?

Started by iago, August 27, 2003, 01:20 AM

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Apparently, I'm Peggy, and I radiate laziness!  It knows me!
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:

Mesiah / haiseM

You are Jefferson D'Arcy: Can you be anymore shallow? An even tan and no split ends are your main concerns in life. If you were anymore of a mooch, you would be classified as a leech by the scientific community. You stay out late, never work, borrow money you never repay, and con your friends to do your bidding. You have no redeeming qualities, except for your love of strip clubs.
]HighBrow Innovations
Coming soon...

AIM Online Status: 


QuoteYou are Peg Bundy: As long as there's money in your pocket and you get laid occasionally, life is fine for you. You do nothing and you don't have a job. Actually, you're totally useless and you're proud of it. Nothing ever gets done when you're around and you actually create a cone of laziness that radiates outwards. You make me sick. Get a damn job.

Damn! It knows too much...
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


You are Al Bundy: Life is one disaster after another. Your mundane job is no release from your horrible home life, both of which make your shoulders slump deeper and deeper until your knuckles drag on the ground and bleed. Beer, the nudie bar and recounting your four touchdowns in one game, are your only escapes and you cherish them as much as you would death's sweet embrace, but you can't be that lucky today.

                                                              .... very true


Hey, I turned out Jefferson too. But it doesn't seem like I answer many questions in the way they suggested in the comments. Perhaps it was hard for it to decide.




QuoteYou are Bud Bundy: The original dateless wonder. Friday night is a time to take a shower, get all dressed up, and then go to bed. If your complexion ever clears up, you may meet that special someone, assuming they're drunk, blind, deaf and retarded. The only redeeming quality you possess is your perseverance - no matter how often you get turned down, you try again and again....and still you go to bed alone


You are Jefferson D'Arcy: Can you be anymore shallow? An even tan and no split ends are your main concerns in life. If you were anymore of a mooch, you would be classified as a leech by the scientific community. You stay out late, never work, borrow money you never repay, and con your friends to do your bidding. You have no redeeming qualities, except for your love of strip clubs.


That's half of me