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WAP / wml

Started by K, August 20, 2003, 09:37 PM

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Just recently got a cool new phone (Nokia 3595) with a WAP browser; of course, being me, I don't want to pay tmobile to download crappy midis; I want to download my own.  I've setup IIS with the appropriate mime types

wml: text/vnd.wap.wml
wbmp: image/vnd.wap.wbmp
wmls:  text/vnd.wap.wmlscript

and restarted the server.  The nokia WAP emulator can read my page fine, but my phone hangs with "No Gateway Reply." It can access other sites like wap.yahoo.com just fine, but I can't seem to get it to grab my site.

Anyone have any suggestions?


I was about to look it up at http://www.w3.org when I remembered to ask ...

"Have you tried http://www.w3.org"?


Yup; the only information I got there was consistant with other sites (iisfaq.com, etc).  I ran my wml through their validator as well, and it looks ok, so I'm having trouble pinpointing the problem.

<?xml version="1.0"?>

  <card title="Download Song">
           <go href="sp_t.mid"/>


Maybe need content type?

Also maybe a "do" tag?


I set the content-type stuff up in IIS, like I posted before.  Elaborate on the "do" tag?


What about the content type for the midi file?  Doesn't the phone need to know what that's all about?

Btw, I haven't a clue about WML, just trying to help based on examples I've seen.


I don't think the midi file is the problem,  because even without the link to it, the page won't load at all.  I'm starting to think maybe it's my phone or my service that's the problem; maybe i'm not allowed to visit "unauthorized" sites so they can make money off their $.99 downloads.  
Thanks for the help.


That would be not right of them.  Are you not able to browse freely to other sites by typing in a URL?

Also, I know you said the page won't load even without the song file, but how much memory is dedicated per deck, or per page?

Try one of working tutorial examples on your phone deck:

If those don't work, call your provider and bitch.


Found this page, containing simulators.  I think you said you had a Nokia.


Also this site:


You're gotten me interested in this topic, thanks.