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Started by FOH-Master, September 04, 2003, 11:59 AM

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I guess this would come under web development.

I run a clan and as im in school its hard to update my site regularley. I found a php clan script but when i view it it has $fontstring in certain places. I would like to know what it means and why its there because on other clan sites that use scripts $fontstring doesnt apear there. Thx



Sounds like a variable name. Sounds like other scripts use different variable names?

[I don't know PHP.]


Correct, its just a regular variablename by the name chances are it could do something with a generic font used throughout the theme. If you'd like to learn more about it, go thru the script and see where its declared


Also, when checking other clan's sites on the net, you  probably won't see their php variables since the code has already been parsed...


It apears not in a tag.

<form action=addClan.php method=post>
   <table width=330 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
     <tr><td colspan=2>
      <center><b><font size=2>Add Clan</font><br><br></b><center>