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Usenet Signatures??

Started by Grok, July 23, 2003, 04:52 PM

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Does anyone know why people follow their messages with these cryptic looking paragraphs?  I'm thinking it's a signature of some kind but I do not know the source of it.  Here is an example:


It will creep once, burn angrily, then live in the card beside the
canyon.  Little by little, Cyrus never attempts until Ralph nibbles the
worthwhile walnut weekly.  He'll be wandering with active Ibraheem until his
cloud shouts quickly.  They are judging under the morning now, won't
move frames later.  Well, butchers irritate behind closed markets, unless they're
deep.  She wants to irrigate angry tapes at Ayman's office.  Otherwise the
ache in Sarah's tag might recommend some raw jackets.  Every
quiet pitchers depart Jim, and they finally comb Dick too.  Many
pears will be lower wide dusts.  

Yosri!  You'll change cases.  Nowadays, I'll join the goldsmith.  I was
jumping to pull you some of my brave bandages.  Who cleans fully, when
Patrice excuses the polite book outside the shore?  It kicked, you
learned, yet Ali never admiringly cooked at the rain.  Try caring the
house's bitter dose and Alejandro will help you!  

It can climb tired tailors about the rich weak monument, whilst
Hassan wrongly looks them too.  Just now, go mould a desk!  Ahmed
fears, then Mark incredibly improves a sick shirt on Laura's
river.  While tyrants freely laugh painters, the cobblers often
dye against the empty shopkeepers.  

Her frog was urban, dull, and talks in front of the sunshine.  The
envelopes, enigmas, and coffees are all short and fresh.  

Let's measure alongside the easy fogs, but don't arrive the stale

I am daily sharp, so I hate you.  Get your sneakily opening paper
around my camp.  

Tomorrow Founasse will converse the fig, and if Jadallah virtually
teases it too, the twig will cover within the sticky hall.  Almost no
new upper candle recollects hens about Larry's strong wrinkle.  
Timothy, still rejecting, kills almost smartly, as the carpenter
believes below their jar.  He should dine truly if Marion's smog isn't
thin.  My lean onion won't dream before I solve it.  We answer them, then we
wanly like Taysseer and Allahdad's rude yogi.