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July 16, 2003 - My Personal Income Tax Freedom Day

Started by Grok, July 17, 2003, 09:36 AM

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Is it just me, or was that site just a bunch of high-ASCII characters?


Quote from: Raven on July 21, 2003, 07:47 PM
The government steals plenty. Why not keep some of our tax money for ourselves instead of letting it be potentially stolen by greedy politician? ;)  

Of course, as we all know stealing is always wrong. Let's chop the hands off the government.


Conclusions & Legal Findings of Fact:   FIFTH AMENDMENT

 The Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination is absolute and unalienable.

 There is no 5th Amendment "exception" for tax matters.

 To avoid explicitly ruling that citizens are, in fact, protected by the 5th Amendment while filing tax returns, a federal Court of Appeals ruled, instead, that the 5th Amendment does not apply to tax returns because the 5th Amendment only applies to compelled testimony. Ergo, filing a tax return is not compelled, it is voluntary.

 Using the threats of criminal prosecution, financial penalties, and incarceration, the government effectively forces citizens to "voluntarily" waive their Fifth Amendment rights.

 The IRS & DOJ clearly uses tax return information to initiate and investigate civil and criminal prosecutions against citizens.

 The People do not have to tolerate an income tax system in which the government requires citizens to give up any Constitutional rights.

Bottom Line: If you file, you have waived your 5th Amendment rights.


Quote from: Adron on July 22, 2003, 02:17 AM
Quote from: Raven on July 21, 2003, 07:47 PM
The government steals plenty. Why not keep some of our tax money for ourselves instead of letting it be potentially stolen by greedy politician? ;)  

Of course, as we all know stealing is always wrong. Let's chop the hands off the government.

Ok, what's an example where stealing is unconditionally right?


The only thing about all of those legal findings on GiveMeLiberty.org is that while they may be what we are entitled to de jure, in real life or de facto, if you will, your ass is going to be arrested and put in prison for tax evasion.  Arguing your way out of that one would be interesting.


They have done so in the past.  But more and more people are finding out that the "personal income tax" is a big sham and have completely stopped filing their taxes, and or filing "0" returns, since they had no reportable taxable income.  The courts are consistently siding with these individuals.

This is all a big load of bricks waiting to fall down.  For 70 years they have been oppressing individuals with this money grab, and many thousands of lives have been destroyed, people have committed suicides over their IRS debts.  IRS would come in with strong-armed tactics, steal property, land, bank accounts, and just wipe families out.

They're very afraid right now, because they know its been a sham and know people are increasingly finding out that they never had legal authority to tax this way.

The media won't even report on it, because they are the direct puppets of the federal government.

Congress refuses to answer questions about it, despite the First Amendment guarantees to every citizen that they must be answered truthfully.