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[Warden Module] - Are those good modules ?

Started by Fr3DBr, January 23, 2010, 05:20 PM

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Im trying to write my module prepare routine, but it seems its 'been' failing to work mad.

So i wanted to share 2 module files i colected, in order to know if they are good to go or not.

Look the links :

1) http://rapidshare.com/files/340061399/09731C71CF17FCEF90AF15A866DEAA16.BIN.html
2) http://rapidshare.com/files/340061551/BDE96BDBB1DD9BFFCBDD47A94C60AAB4.BIN.html



Yeah managed to finally prepare the module ;)

Copying code sections to module.
Adjusting references to global variables...
Updating API library references...
Lib: KERNEL32.dll
        Function: GetStdHandle
        Function: Sleep
        Function: GetModuleHandleA
        Function: TlsAlloc
        Function: TlsFree
        Function: TlsGetValue
        Function: TlsSetValue
        Function: RaiseException
        Function: GetProcAddress
        Function: GetSystemInfo
        Function: GetVersionExA
        Function: VirtualQuery
        Function: QueryDosDeviceA
        Function: GetTickCount
        Function: DuplicateHandle
        Function: CloseHandle
        Function: FreeLibrary
        Function: GetCurrentProcess
        Function: LoadLibraryA
        Function: GetProcessHeap
        Function: HeapFree
        Function: TerminateProcess
        Function: UnhandledExceptionFilter
        Function: SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
        Function: QueryPerformanceCounter
        Function: GetCurrentThreadId
        Function: GetCurrentProcessId
        Function: GetSystemTimeAsFileTime
        Function: RtlUnwind
Lib: USER32.dll
        Function: CharUpperBuffA
        Function: GetDC

Now its time to Initialize It lol...