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Started by WiLD, July 02, 2003, 09:12 AM

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Hi again, i wanted 2 add war3 support 2 my bot and i got everything right as far i as no, but when it says "logged in" i got a error saying:

runtime error"9"
subscript out of range

so i was talking 2 some1 and they said do this:
Public Function W3chk(ByVal Username As String)
If InStr(Username, "@Lordaeron") <> 0 Then
W3chk = Replace(Username, "@Lordaeron", "")
End If
End Function
in a module and he said u need to replace @Lordaeron with nothing.
how would i do this, or has ne1 else got an idea how 2 connect with war3 using csb

=_=  &&  g0dFraY  &&  -=Templar=-  @USWest


Your function doesn't do anything. You're passing the Username parameter by value, so any changes to it inside the function are dismissed. Try removing the word "ByVal".

You asked 3 different questions:
1) Why you get runtime error 9.
2) How to replace @Lordaeron with nothing.
3) How to connect with War3 using CSB.

These questions seem to have nothing to do with each other and you haven't given enough information for any of them. Please restate.


i think i know how 2 get it connected with war3 using csb but the runtime error has something to do with it.

I havnt tried removing ByVal yet, but i no i have to add W3chk ...... to everything that includes a different user (user in the current channel).
Would this be just W3chk or something else?
=_=  &&  g0dFraY  &&  -=Templar=-  @USWest


I don't see why your W3chk function is necessary for anything.


Well i got a war3 cdkey and i set the product to 3RAW and it gets to logged in and i get that error
runtime error"9"
subscript out of range
so some1 told me that i needed 2 replace @Lordaeron with nothing and that i should use that code.
if u no how 2 get this code 2 work plz tell or if u no a different way.
=_=  &&  g0dFraY  &&  -=Templar=-  @USWest


Removing the war3 suffixes from names can lead to bad problems (duplicate usernames being one of them).

Say someone comes in on the name "DarkMinion[vL]", they could then log on to war3 on "DarkMinion[vL]@Lordaeron" and confuse your bot.  Your bot would remove the "@Lordaeron" part, and then you would appear to have 2 "DarkMinion[vL]" 's in the channel.

Whoever told you to do that is a moron.


Thx alot, do you know if there is going to be a new version of CSB with War3 support?

or would what userloser said work?
But it *should* request latest version byte using BNLS_REQUESTVERSIONBYTE [0x10] (or something, too lazy to check name).
if that would work how would i do this?
=_=  &&  g0dFraY  &&  -=Templar=-  @USWest


I meant CSB it's self should do that, not you.


=_=  &&  g0dFraY  &&  -=Templar=-  @USWest