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Difference between ROC & TFT (Patching GHost++ to use ROC only)

Started by SteelSide, December 21, 2008, 09:54 AM

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I'm interested in patching GHost++ to be capable of just using ROC (Only connectionwise, don't care about the hosting parts).
What difference is there between connecting ROC & TFT?

Also, is there any other open source bot that runs on linux? (Preferdably that can connect to ROC-only natively ._. and absolutely with the possibility of not running a gui.)


The connection data for ROC and TFT is not much different, just some packets are larger because they contain multiple hashes.

Javaop is an open source bot written in Java that is cross platform

There are others, but this was the one that came to mind the quickest.


Is it listed anywhere what packets are larger? (Looked a quickie at bnetdocs, didn't spot anything of value, but then i only glanced at 0x50 :p)

Edit: while at it, a quick question: After you managed the login sequence, are you required to answer to packets sent to you? (And which if so) or will bnet just accept that you send your null packet every 60 seconds?


Quote from: SteelSide on December 21, 2008, 03:07 PM
Is it listed anywhere what packets are larger? (Looked a quickie at bnetdocs, didn't spot anything of value, but then i only glanced at 0x50 :p)

Edit: while at it, a quick question: After you managed the login sequence, are you required to answer to packets sent to you? (And which if so) or will bnet just accept that you send your null packet every 60 seconds?

In the login, only packet which differs is 0x51 since you are sending 2 cd key hashes instead of just 1. after you login, you don't have to strictly send anything, however it is advisable to send your null packets and respond to ping packets (0x25)
Quote from: replaced on November 04, 2006, 11:54 AM
I dunno wat it means, someone tell me whats ix86 and pmac?
Can someone send me a working bot source (with bnls support) to my email?  Then help me copy and paste it to my bot? ;D
Já jsem byl určenej abych tady žil,
Dával si ovar, křen a k tomu pivo pil.
Tam by ses povídaj jak prase v žitě měl,
Já nechci před nikym sednout si na prdel.

Já nejsem z USA, já nejsem z USA, já vážně nejsem z USA... a snad se proto na mě nezloběj.


If you have TFT installed, there's no difference in 0x51 according to the client. WAR3 and W3XP are 100% identical, except that when you select to connect with WAR3, the client sends 0x5C (SID_SWITCHPRODUCT).


Quote from: Andy on December 21, 2008, 04:45 PM
If you have TFT installed, there's no difference in 0x51 according to the client. WAR3 and W3XP are 100% identical, except that when you select to connect with WAR3, the client sends 0x5C (SID_SWITCHPRODUCT).

Oh, nice to know! Really had no idea. I thought the 2 executables had nothing at all to do with each other. Turns out I'm wrong :>


Warcraft III.exe and Frozen Throne.exe do almost nothing. war3.exe is the important executable, and it's identical for either version.


Oh and by the way, thanks for the JavaOp2 tip! It works perfectly fine under a terminal, even better on my server (where i intended to use it) than on my desktop. Won't need to rewrite Ghost++ then :)

And also thanks for the notice of that you really don't have to respond to any packets other than ping & send nulls - i thought login in was just a smaaaalll small part of all the packets you needed to handle and send. (I got a 50% complete login sequence done, which i never bothered to finish, now i might :P)