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PvPGN features

Started by dev.vj, February 21, 2009, 09:25 PM

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Hi, I am new to Battle.net programming but programming overall is not as new. I was wondering is it possible to have some PvPGN features in a battle.net client, not really a bot. If you guys are familiar with DotaClient it is somewhat similar because its a client & thats all I am not really interested in the features DotaClient have, but not for WarCraft only, SC too. PvPGN records the players in the games, statistics, etc and I want to implement that in the client; gathering player info, game statistics for SC & WAR3. 

So this client will be lets say "PvPGN Client" and is connectible to any Battle.net server including USWest, USEast and data is recorded to a local web server. Points, and etc are the same, however the server played on is universal. I am pretty sure this is do able. I would just have to go through the PvPGN source code and go from there, but I may be wrong :/ I am a .NET developer, familiar with C#, ASP and web development. I see most clients/bots/hacks developed for Battle.Net are done in C/C++ and assembly which I am not familiar with as much.


You'd have to get this kind of information manually, a lot of that isn't recorded automatically like it is in PvPGN.
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I see, but can you provide me with some tips, sources too look at, anything is helpful.